Spring day.

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fluff + smut

"H-hi." Taehyung stuttered, pressing the phone against his ear tightly.

"Hello sweetheart. Did something happen? Are you alright?" A rough voice was heard from the other line. Taehyung didn't answered for a while, trying to get his words out of his throat.

"I-I'm ok. C-can I s-s-see y-you after classes?"

"Of course you can. Today I'm working at home, so I'll send Hoseok to pick you up, alright princess?" Taehyung smiled, looking down with pretty pink cheeks. He was having a rough day, but listening to his boyfriend's deep and nice voice was making him feel much better.

"y-Yea." Taehyung whispered. "I-I'll go to c-c-class now. B-bye gguk. I l-love you."

"See you baby. I love you much more. Please take care beautiful." The call finished with this words.

Taehyung sighed, walking back to his classroom. After one hour it finally finished, and he rushed outside, not wanting to be met with hurtful jokes again, from his bullies.
He doesn't understand why they are so mean. He is aware of his vocal condition, but is that a motive to bully tae? Does he has the fault? It's just a reminder of how hard the past was..
He has been actually having speak therapy for two years now, to improve his condition.
It has been getting a lot better, since it exists some sentences he can already say completely, but that's rare, and never in school. Only when he's calm and relaxed his honey voice naturally comes out without flaws, and the only one who already witnessed it is his amazing boyfriend.
Even though his bullies are mean, he doesn't regret start talking again.

"Taehyung." A voice called, waking him up from his daydream. "Is everything ok?" He smiled and nodded.

I'm ok. Thank you for picking me up Hobi. Taehyung signed.

"You're welcome." The man in a suit smiled and opened the door for Taehyung.
Hoseok was, let's say, a close partner, worker and friend of his boyfriend. He was part of the mafia, and subordinated to the leader, the only and one Jeon Jeongguk. Moreover being the boyfriend of his best friend.
Most people, if they found out such thing would call Taehyung crazy, a maniac, maybe even masochist.
But the only crime he ever committed was to fall deeply in love with the mafia leader. It wasn't intentionally, or planned, or acted.
It just happened.
Three years ago to be more exact. Taehyung was working at the restaurant Jeongguk visited that exact same day, 21th March.
Little did Taehyung knew a simple day, a simple encounter could change his whole life.

Flashback on*

Taehyung was sitting on some beach, looking at nothing in particular. He stroked over his bruised arm, a single tear running down his cheek.
He had been on a fight with his abusive father, but fortunately he was able to run away that day, before things could get worst.
It wasn't like that in the past, but since taehyung's mother died five years ago, the man lost himself.
Taehyung tried his best to understand, his dad was suffering, just like him.. but with the time it became worst. He became aggressive, dependent, moody and violent.
And he took all his anger on his only broken son, who he blamed for the death of his wife. But it's not Taehyung's fault, he didn't knew that day, send a message to his mom to pick him up would cause so much tragedy and pain. If he knew.. he'd have walked home. He would have never send that message. How much he wishes he could delete that message in the time.
His dad's harsh words got in his brain through the years, and he himself started to believe it was all his fault, and blamed himself. He should have been more careful, more considerate on that storm day.
Taehyung now hates the winter, or any weather that is rainy or cloudy. He hides, and hopes the sun shines again.

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