Bestfriend lV

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It sounds so pleasing for Tae's ears. Finally the boy of his dreams was his boyfriend. Now he could hold his hand, kiss him, hug him out of nowhere, just like he always wanted, without excuses or having to justify himself.

Even tho it has been some weeks already, their love seems to grow day by day, second per second.

Taehyung has never been so happy in his whole life.
He was currently at the field, along with all the other people, watching one of his boyfriend's game.
It was cold, almost winter time. He was wearing one of jeongguk's warm black hoodies. It had his addicting and intoxicating sense on it, and Taehyung absolutely loved it, sniffing it discretely.

He was with Jin, Namjoon, Adora and Hoseok in the crown, while Jeongguk and Yoongi were playing and Jimin was cheering them up, along with the team.

Jimin a month ago decided to join the cheerleader squad permanently, after receiving multiple compliments about his angility and amazing coordination.

"I swear if Jimin throws me another smirk I'll spank that fat ass." Hoseok growled, his friend down there was wild with all the smirking, body rolls and tongue pokes Jimin was doing at him.

"Relax your hormones mate." Adora patted his shoulder, before returning his attention to the game.

The tigers were winning by one point, although a small mistake could bring their lead down quickly.

"Gooooo tigers!!!" The cheer squad screamed happily, supporting the tired team.

Taehyung's eyes were focused on the number seven, who was right now with the ball.

Five seconds before the game officially ends, Jeongguk throws the ball at the lacrosse goal. Expecting eyes followed every move, and just when the arbitre announced the end, the ball goes right in, marking the last point of the game.

The crown cheered very loud, Taehyung screamed Jeongguk name and clapped proudly at his boyfriend who was now receiving praises from the players and manly hugs.

Taehyung took a lot of pride, to the fact he could call Jeon Jeongguk his boyfriend. He is just so amazing, that sometimes Taehyung is afraid he'll wake up and realize everything is just a dream.

He was happy to see that gorgeous smile of his boyfriend, that got extremely wider when spotting the older in the big crown. Taehyung quickly grabbed a bottle of water and made his way down the benches.
At the moment he stepped on the field he saw Jeongguk waiting for him, with his arms open, just for him.

Taehyung ran to him and wrapped his arms tightly around Jeongguk's neck, who immediately responded to the sweet hug, wrapping his arms around tae's waist and hiding by his neck.

"You did amazing ggukie." Taehyung whispered, stroking the younger's hair, that was slightly sweaty. He felt a kiss being placed on his neck and smiled, before pulling away just enough to look at his boyfriend.

"Here." Taehyung gave to his tired boyfriend the fresh water bottle.

"Thanks my love." Jeongguk kissed Taehyung's lips gently before drink the needed liquid.

"You're welcome darling." Taehyung replied and stared at his irresistible boyfriend, until he practically finished the whole bottle.

"The guys were suggesting go celebrate to Jimin's house. Do you want to go or prefer to rest? We can stay at mine and sleep if you feel tired."

"I'm ok, and up to celebrate a little bit." Jeongguk smiled, and Taehyung nodded, intertwining their hands and making their way to the group.

"Yoo Jeongguk!! Great game!!" They all praised Jeongguk's skills, who smiled and thanked everyone, appreciating their compliments.

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