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Poor excuse to write about Tae's pretty thighs and dilf gguk.


"Hoseok." The male called lowly, pierced eyebrow raised as his eyes slowly scanned the entry, through the neon lights and airy smokes. "You do some questionable things sometimes, however, often i just play along with your little games." He looked at his brother, who was smiling playfully, lightly jumping on his feet. "But please enlight me. Why am i standing at the entrance of some frats boy club?" He asked, a scowl forming on his defined features.

"Well first of all. You made me work till late the whole ass week and i didnt get to see my boyfriend, so this is partly your fault." He saw Jeongguk was about to speak but beat him to it. "Second, you need to relax man. You overwork yourself too much and never take a break."

"Well, Hoseok. I dont know if you are aware, but i have a company to run." Jeongguk stated with a knowing voice, dripping with sarcasm.

"Ye man but you gotta enjoy other things in life. Ya know, loosen up and have fun, get drunk and get some fine piece of ass." Jeongguk looked dumbfounded at his brother, finding his words absolutely atrocious.

"And you suppose, that in this cheap excuse of a club recking to hormones and sweat, ill find someone who pleases me?" Jeongguk asked with an even deeper scowl on his face, finding Hoseok's idea terrible.

He's thirty four for fucks sake. He already had his dose of clubs and hook ups, loud music and hangovers. He doesn't know how his brother, who knows him damn well, believes that such club would provide Jeongguk the stress relieve he is looking for, when he is perfectly aware Jeongguk is a man of elegant parties, whiskey, and prefers much more boxing and hit the gym to get out some tension than wandering around random bars. He has some great one night stands but that is it.

He suddendly remembered the first point Hoseok made for them to be here.

"So, your boyfriend is here tonight hm?" He asked, looking around at the couples and friends going in and out. He's sure he sees someone vomiting not far behind from them.

"He's working here yes. So free drinks! Another reason to go." Hoseok beams, and its transparent his happiness. Completely clear like water.
Jeongguk has met Min Yoongi before, the man that stole Hoseok's heart a year or so ago.

Jung Hoseok was always quite opposite to Jeongguk's personality. He wandered around parties and festivals, claiming that one day his soulmate would find him. He never liked one night stands, never did those. He likes to commit, and fortunately for him, and to his extreme happiness as well, his soulmate, as Hoseok likes to adress him, met him one day at the fair.

Jeongguk vaguely recalls the complete lame story Hoseok told him, something about love at first sight, and now they are together. Min Yoongi, a quite nice, calm and cool guy if you ask Jeongguk. Perfect to ground the mess that is his brother.

"Bye." Jeongguk simply stated, turning around but Hoseok, of course, had to grab his arm.

"No dont go, pleaseeee bro. Look i know its not the type you often go for, but please come. I wasn't joking when i said you need to relax. At least one hour please." Hoseok gave him brother his cute puppy eyes, a trick he learned since kids it always made Jeongguk give in.

Jeongguk groaned, rubbing his temple.

"Do you even know how dressed up i am?" Jeongguk groaned. Because they went from the company directly to the club, Jeongguk is nicely dressed in a black suit, sixty thousand dollars watch resting cold on his wrist, new dress shoes that weren't trained to be stepped on by drunk people.

Hoseok, on the contrary, of course being head planer of this mess, was neat dressed. If Jeongguk didnt knew him hed think he's a college boy, his thirty five years reducing to twenty four.

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