Bestfriend lll

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Today was the day.

Taehyung could no longer hold this feeling inside him. He wanted to express his love for his best friend, badly.  

He had actually all prepared already. The song recorded, the music more than memorized.

Now, it was needed courage.

Taehyung whined, with his head pressed against the lockers.

"Hmm? Regretting already?" Adora teased.

"No but.. 'm nervous." Taehyung admitted. They all, but Jeongguk, decided to met up earlier at school, to plan Taehyung's confession.

"I still can't believe you're going to confess. I always thought Jeongguk would take the first step." Hoseok commented.

"It's exciting!!" Jimin clapped his hands happily.

"So guys, this is what will happen." Jin said. "Classes end at 2pm. Yoongi, namjoon and Hoseok will distract Jeongguk till 3pm, while me Jimin and Adora will help Taehyung preparing everything at jeongguk's studio."

"But isn't that needed a code or key?" Namjoon asked.

"I know it." Taehyung said, and noticed all the curious eyes on him. "It's his name and mine together, plus our birth dates."

"Oh god hes so whipped. Is this really necessary? I bet if Taehyung just kissed him and said he likes him Jeongguk would melt in his hands immediately." Yoongi declared.

"Noooo that would ruin all the romance." Jimin slapped Yoongi's arm half gently.

"So it's settled then?"

"Yea but it won't be easy distract Jeongguk. He's gonna be looking for Taehyung and wondering where are you guys." Hoseok said.

"Just make a plausible excuse, like we are doing a project or better, at shopping, ye? And to entertain him maybe invite him to play some game he likes." Adora said.

"Overwatch. He spends hours playing it, and I'm sure he'll like some competition. But needs to be away from his house." Taehyung informed, and received a nod from Hoseok.

"Alright! Now disperse people! Jeongguk cant see us all together already in the morning or else will suspect something." They all nodded and waved goodbye, going in different directions.

Taehyung breathed in and out slowly, calming his already nervous heart.

"Don't worry Tae, it's gonna be fine." Adora comforted him. "I'm gonna be right there with you, but all you have to focus is on Jeongguk, and sing for him with all your heart."

"Yes." Taehyung answered, half confidently. 

Taehyung then felt a person hug him from behind and place their head on his shoulder.

"Good morning." Jeongguk's sleepy and raspy voice was heard.

"Good morning." Both oh the friends answered back.

"You look like you didn't slept." Adora said.

"Perhaps played overwatch till late." Taehyung answered, knowing his best friend like the palm of his hand.

"Perhaps." Jeongguk answered with a smile, proceeding to bury his face on Taehyung's neck.
Taehyung shaked his head playfully.

The bell unfortunately rang, indicating first period was about to start.

"Math here I go." Adora sighed, walking away to her class.

"And we, go to physics." Taehyung announced, hearing a tired yawn from Jeongguk. "Cmonn" Taehyung held his hand and practically dragged him to their class.

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