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Jeongguk had honestly no opinion formed of what was gonna happen. He doesn't mind.
Once he told his friends they laughed and punched his arm friendly, commenting he didn't got lucky to have the loner as a partner for this work.

Let's go backwards.
It all started when their sociology teacher, an eccentric woman, affirmed they had a group work to do.
Everyone was already looking at partners, perhaps friends, but she stopped them, saying she herself made the groups since she wanted this experience to be made by "two people that don't talk much nor are friends."

Every student groaned at the announcement, besides the ones that didn't minded. That included Jeongguk and his picked partner, Taehyung.

Taehyung is a very quiet person he honestly never noticed before he heard his name in class. But by the aspect, he looks like a nerd. He didn't got to saw him clearly but was able to distinguish round glasses and brown bangs covering his eyes. Definitely a nerd.

Now, Jeongguk might be a player and shit, but he is no bully. Bullying is disgusting and for the weak, who can only feel powerful putting others down.  He doesn't mind he's with Taehyung, that's even good. His friends don't care about school, and Jeongguk also pretends he doesn't, but inside he cares about his grades. He just needs grades to pass classes, and that's enough. He knows what he wants already anyways, and that doesn't need high qualifications. Only talent, talent he has.

He arched an eyebrow once he recalled the teachers words. It wasn't a normal assignment where Taehyung could do everything and Jeongguk could sleep, he was obligated to participate because it was needed to answers questions and write them down, both of them.

Random questions. She just said she'd send questions for them to answer, but didn't told about what. Maybe about what they are learning? He doesn't know, and doesn't care.

He was right now outside with his closest friend, Yoongi. Yoongi might be the only person Jeongguk trusts, and talks to about his personal issues. Yoongi just doesn't care about school because he will take his father's position as the CEO of his company, whenever he wants or not.
So don't care about classes is basically a way of rebellion to go against his strict father. Aside from that, he's a good guy, honestly the tool that prevents Jeongguk from doing shit.

He looked around, a cigarette hanging from his rosy lips as he spotted Taehyung sitting under a tree, on a beach reading.

Truly a nerd uh. Jeongguk thought, and looked at Yoongi.

"I'll talk with Taehyung about the work, is supposed to do it today til midnight." Yoongi nodded, and told him he'd start walking inside.

Jeongguk moved towards him, standing right in front of a sitting Taehyung. The male looked up slowly at the very tall male, and for the first time Jeongguk got to see his whole face.

Damn. Jeongguk nearly gasped at the beauty that was sitting in front of him. How the hell did he never noticed him before? Taehyung's eyes were now uncovered and shining warmly under the sunlight, so was his plump shiny lips.

Jeongguk shameless checked Taehyung out, smirking as he saw the same's cheeks getting red gradually. It was no secret he was bisexual, and that both genders wanted him like crazy.

Is that the typical story of the nerd who is in love with the bad boy? Jeongguk chuckled internally at the cliche story, feeling proud that it was only he want and Taehyung would give himself to him, just like everyone else.
Or so he thought.

"What?" Jeongguk caught himself, not to show how surprised he was at the soft smooth voice that little being owned. He put his hands on his pockets and tilted his head, looking at Taehyung amused.

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