Chapter 1

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The three boys ran through the big empty wheat field. Technoblade and Wilbur chases after Tommy, who was laughing his absolute heart out. They laughed some more when Tommy had tripped over a rock. Wilbur got to Tommy and started to tickle him. Tommy tried to kick off Wilbur, but was too weak from the laughing. Techno soon caught up and tackled Wilbur. Techno told Tommy to run and he did. Philza laughed as his boys played up ahead. Kristen giggled and squeezed Phil's hand. The two loved to watch their sons play.

Wilbur got Techno off of him and ran after Tommy. Tommy spread out his wings and tried to take for the skies, to get away from Wilbur. He was able to get a couple of feet off the ground before falling. Techno and Wilbur fell to the ground laughing, when Tommy fell. Tommy's wings were two weak to help him fly very far. Tommy got mad and punched them in the arm. He was embarrassed from his fall.

"Stop laughing!" Tommy yelled at them.

Techno snorted and Wilbur laughed harder. His stomach hurt more with each breathe he took. It made Tommy more mad.

"You alright there, Wilbur?" Phil asked with a laugh.

"I-I c-can't breathe..." Wilbur tried to say, but was out of breathe.

Kristen and Philza laughed. Tommy ran and jumped into Kristen's arm. She hugged him tightly, while Philza picked up Wilbur. It was turning dark, so they had to get home before the mobs started spawning. Techno followed after them, closely behind.

As the moon started to rise, mobs started to spawn. None of them could get close thanks to Kristen and Philza. Kristen used her light powers to kill off the monsters and Phil used his strongest nether rite sword. This sword could kill thousands of mobs in just one swoop. Technoblade was destined to get the sword once he turned sixteen. Him and Wilbur were still 9. Tommy was only 3 years old yet. Techno would have to wait a couple more years yet to be able to get the sword. It was something that he was excited for.

A creeper had appeared and hissed right next to Kristen. She quickly turned around and used her magic to kill it. Tommy cried in her arms. She rocked him back and forth, telling him everything would be alright. She kissed him on the forehead. Calming him down from his fears.


They got back to their house. The full moon shown above and light up the entire forest around them. Tommy reached for the moon. He closed his fist and looked into his hand. There was nothing there.

"You can't grab the moon light one." Kristen smiled down at her curious boy.

She lifted up her hand and a orb started to form. Kristen brought it down to Tommy and he grabbed it from her. The orb stayed in his hands. He smiled up at his mother and showed her what he had. His bright blue eyes light up in the dark. Kristen acted surprised and held it with him.

Philza looked back, smiled at them, and went inside with Wilbur and Techno. Tommy and Kristen soon followed behind them. Wilbur and Techno both got ready for bed, ready to sleep. Tommy was placed down and he ran after them. He giggled as they both acted like he was chasing them. Sometimes, Techno would turn around and chase after Tommy. Tommy would squeal and would run away, or at least try to run. He couldn't get very far. He would stumble down the halls. Techno would grab him and tickle him. It was something that he always loved to do, make his brother laugh.

They got to their bedroom and laid down in their beds. Wilbur and Techno shared a room together, while Tommy slept alone. His little stuffed animal, Henry, kept him company. One thing that was their daily routine, was for Kristen to either sing or tell them stories until the fell asleep. It had been the boys favorite thing to do when it was time to go to bed.

Wilbur and Techno sat in their beds, with Tommy, patiently waiting for their mother to come. She walked in and picked up Tommy. Tommy was set down in her lap. He played with her hair and she let him. He would always find ways to entertain himself.

"So, what should I do tonight?" Kristen asked the boys.

Philza came in the room and leaned on the door frame. He smiled down at his family.

"Sing! Please." Wilbur begged.

"No, I say another story." Techno argued. "Like the stories about those Greek gods."

"You are gonna read the books anyways. There's no point in another story." Wilbur crossed his arms and looked over at Techno.

"And you will sing songs throughout the day. It will change nothing if she picks singing."

"Yes, but-" Wilbur had started to say, but Kristen cut him off.

"How about I tell you the origin of Blue Butterflies." Her voice made the boys stop talking and look at her.

"Blue Butterflies? What are they?" Wilbur asked, his head to the side.

"Not what, but who. Now lay down you two and I shall tell the tale." Kristen said, laying Tommy down in her arms.

The boys laid down and got ready for this amazing story. It was something that they had never heard before, but were excited to learn. Time for them to learn about the souls behind the Blue Butterflies.

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