Chapter 4

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It had been years since Kristen's death. Techno and Wilbur's birthday was coming up very soon. They were gonna turn 16 very soon. Tommy was 10 years old. Philza...they don't know how old he is, he is immortal. Kristen was immortal as well. The most the boys knew, is that they had met each other long ago.


Wilbur watched as Techno fought Philza. The two had been fighting all day. Technoblade was starting to get stronger than Phil, but not strong enough to beat him. Tommy was off playing in the grass, leaving Wilbur to sit on the stands of the old arena alone. He could hear Tommy's giggles as he played with the bees and picked at flowers.

"Wilbur!" Tommy yelled, running towards Wilbur. He held up a bunch of flowers, a huge smile on his face. "Look what I got!"

"They are very beautiful, Tommy." Wilbur said, getting handed the flowers one by one. "What are you planning to do with them?"

"Do you think Techno would like them?" Tommy said, grabbing a couple flowers from Tommy.

"If he's not busy." Wilbur pointed to Techno getting thrown back by one of Philza's large black angel wings.

Techno held his hand to his mouth and coughed. Phil laughed and let Techno get back into position. Techno stood up and ran at his father. The iron swords clanged against each other. When the swords pulled away from each other, it had created sparks. Techno never took his eyes off Phil. His long pink hair was all over the place. It was supposed to be tied up in a braid, but Phil cut the band off.

"Come on, Techno. For aren't you the son I raised to be strong?" Phil said, a small smile on his face.

"I am, for you have trained me a little too well." Techno said as he threw himself towards Philza.

The swords met again. Phil used his wings to go under Techno's body and throw him off of himself. Techno landed on the ground with a thud. Techno sat up and he held the back of his head. Looking over at Phil, he tapped his hands against the ground, a signal of defeat. Phil let out a small breath and flew up into the air.

Techno still sat on the ground, not knowing his little brother was running towards him.

"Well that looked like it hurt." Tommy said.

Techno turned his head to see Tommy holding a bunch of flowers in his arm. He rubbed his head make it feel a little better.

"You try fighting Phil. You'll end up like me, sitting here." Techno huffed. A little mad that he didn't win.

"I bet I could beat you and Phil!" Tommy said, his grey wings spreading out.

"You think?"

"Yeah, I'm strong. Why? Are you scared I'm gonna hurt you just like dad did?"

Techno smirked and stood up. He pulled out a stone sword, from his inventory, and handed it to Tommy. Tommy placed his flowers on the ground and took the sword. It was very heavy for Tommy to hold. His hands shook as he tried to hold it up into the air. Techno grabbed his iron sword and hit it against Tommy's. 

"I want you to make my knees fall to the ground." Techno said, getting into position to fight.

Tommy held up the sword. He fell to the ground and watched as Techno let out a little giggle. Tommy got more mad. He stood up, holding his sword up into the air, trying his best not to let the sword fall. Techno saw that Tommy was ready to fight. A smirk formed on Techno's face and he hit the stone sword. Tommy stumbled back as he tried to hit Techno's sword as well. 

Techno kept hitting Tommy's sword until Tommy fell back onto his butt. Tommy had fell right on the flowers. He quickly moved away to see them all crushed. Petals were everywhere and the pretty flowers were smashing into the ground.

"No, the flowers!" Tommy said, grabbing the broken flowers into his arms. "They're completely broken."

Techno seen his little brothers eyes start to form with tears. Not wanting Tommy to cry, he knelt down and looked at the flowers. He felt bad. He didn't really know what to do to help.

"Tommy, I am sorry." Techno said. "I didn't mean to push you down."

"It's ok, Techno. They were just a bunch of flowers anyways." Tommy looked very sad and just stared at the flowers.

"No, you not ok. You hand picked those flowers. They were special." Techno ruffled around Tommy's hair.

Techno thought of ways to make Tommy feel better. It clicked. He stood up and held out his hand to Tommy. Tommy looked up at his older brother, who had a smile on his face. Tommy put the flowers down on the ground and grabbed Techno's hand. He stood up, looking up at Techno's eyes.

"Come on, let's go pick more flowers." They two walked off towards Wilbur and Phil.

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