Chapter 8

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After breakfast was done, Phil had taken off to the Nether. Techno and Wilbur were in charge of Tommy, Techno was in charge of the both of them. Phil had never trusted Wilbur to be alone with Tommy after he taught Tommy to put sand on every single food around. Technoblade was now secretly in charge every time Phil was gone. It didn't bother him a lot, but it was hard to keep watch of them.

After Phil had left, Wilbur grabbed his guitar and ran outside. Tommy ran outside to Henry and Techno just followed behind them, his sword in his hands.

Tommy had untied Henry and sat down next to Wilbur on the grass. Techno took out a training dummy and started to fight it. Wilbur strummed the strings of his guitar. Henry laid on the ground, his head on Tommy's lap. Tommy was very curious at what his older brother was doing.

"Why'd you bring your guitar out here?" Tommy asked, stroking Henry's head. 

"I'm trying to write a new song." Wilbur said, fixing the strings.

"What's the song gonna be about?" Tommy asked.

"Do you wanna hear it?" Wilbur smiled down at Tommy.

"Yes!" Tommy exclaimed.

Wilbur strummed the strings on his guitar and cleared his throat. The words that came out of his mouth were beautiful.

"I heard there was a special place/ Where men can go and emancipate/ The brutality/ and tyranny/ of their rulers/ Well, this place is real/ You needn't fret/ With Wilbur, Tommy, Techno, and Phil/ A very big and not blown up L'manberg/ My L'manberg/ My L'manberg/ My L'manberg/ My L'manberg."

Wilbur looked down at Tommy, who had been memorized by his song. Tommy smiled brightly, his eyes sparkled once again. Tommy loved his brothers song. It felt like this song struck home to him. He loved hearing Wilbur's songs, but this was on a different level. 

"That was beautiful!" Tommy said, standing up and hugging his brother, who was still sitting on the ground.

"You really think so?" Wilbur said, fixing his beanie.

"Yeah, I just don't know what L'manberg is. What is L'manberg?" Tommy asked sitting down on the ground once again.

"It's a place I will be the president of one day. I will make a place for us to be safe from any harm." Wilbur told Tommy.

Techno cut in the conversation. He still was fighting the dummy. "Like that will ever work."

"What do you mean?" Wilbur asked, one of his eyebrows raised.

Wilbur watched as Techno kicked the dummy down to the ground and started to pick it up again. "I'm saying that government is a horrible idea." Techno explained. "All they do is cause problems, for everyone."

"Everyone?" Tommy asked.

"Yes, everyone" Techno answered Tommy.

"That's not true, Technoblade." Wilbur said, annoyed. "Governments can be good. They help give you a home and keep you safe."

"Except for dictators." Techno said, his arms crossed and facing Wilbur. "All they want you to do is ruin your life and only follow by their rules. I say Anarchy across the lands."

"Not everything can be anarchy, Techno." Wilbur sounded mad.

"If I can make it, I will." Techno smirked.

Tommy didn't want to listen to them fight. He grabbed Henry's lead and stood up, running into the woods. Henry followed behind Tommy, like he was keeping watch of him. Tommy could hear his brothers getting more and more angry at each other. He never liked to listen to people yelling, let alone be yelled at. Yelling had always frighten him. 

Tommy and Henry had gotten far out into the woods. Light barely shown through the tree leaves. They had gotten to the creak, where Tommy liked to go sometimes. It was safe here.

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