Chapter 11

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Phil came home and saw Wilbur bandaging Techno up. Techno had many open wounds up and down his body. His shirt was covered in blood and so were his hands. He ran over and looked at Techno's wounds. They were cut open by an animal and it looked like he had been fighting something large. 

"Techno, what happened to you?" Phil said, leaning down and looking at his wounds.

"Tommy got attacked by a wolf. I went and fought it off." Techno explained.

Fear covered Phil's face. He had realized that both of his boys were in a fight with wolves and he wasn't there to help them. He didn't see Tommy anywhere and ran to Tommy's room. He was afraid of finding something he didn't want to see.

Phil opened the door to see Tommy laying in his bed. Anxiety filled Philza's chest, as he couldn't tell if Tommy was breathing or not. Tears slowly started to fill his eyes. He slowly walked in to see Tommy's chest rise and fall, he was alive. Phil sighed with relief. He walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. Phil leaned against the door and wiped his forming tears away. Phil couldn't show that he was afraid, especially in front of Techno and Wilbur.

"Dad, are you alright?" Wilbur asked, his head poking around from the corner.

Phil didn't want to show Wilbur that he was afraid. "I'm fine, Wilbur. I just had to make sure Tommy was ok." Phil walked over to Wilbur and ruffled his hair around.

Phil walked into the kitchen to see Techno getting a cup of water. Techno limped just a little, but he tried not to show it that much. Phil went to go help him, but Techno wouldn't let his dad get close to him.

Phil sighed and looked out the window. "I think it's time for all of us to go to bed. We had a long day today and need the rest." Phil gave off a slight smile.

He watched as his boys slowly walked to their room. Wilbur was at Techno's side, making sure he didn't fall over in pain. It was gonna be their 16th birthday tomorrow, and Techno was gonna start it off in pain. Phil's hands turned into a fist. As much as he loved his boys, it was getting harder to take more and more care of them. It didn't help that he missed Kristen so much. None of them even got the chance to say goodbye to her. That's the thing Phil regretted most. His boys growing up without their mother.

Phil slowly laid his boys down to rest. He kissed Wilbur's forehead and went to do the same to Techno. He was careful not to hurt him more, he was already in enough pain as it is. Tomorrow, Phil was gonna give them the best birthday the ever will have. He would try to make tomorrow something amazing.


Phil walked into his room and sat down on his bed. He looked over at his table and looked over at the drawer. In that drawer it held something special, more precious than a nether star. It was something that Phil had not looked at since...she...left. He slowly opened the drawer and saw something he never thought he would see again. It was her feather, from her white wings.

He picked it up and stared at it. It was a beautifully white with a silver lining. Phil still remembered watching her fly. He was always so memorized watching her fly. His black midnight wings could not be compared to hers. Kristen's were always much more beautiful than his.

I wish I could still see you fly. Phil though to himself. He was very careful to hold it in his hands. Why did you have to leave? I'm not strong enough to take care of them by myself.

Tears flowed down his face and he silently sobbed. He didn't want to work by himself anymore. It was getting to much for him.

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