Chapter 15

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Wilbur pulled his arm closer to him, but didn't feel anything bump into him. Wilbur slowly opened his eyes and didn't see Tommy next to him. He sat up in a panic and saw his door was open. Getting up from the bed, he ran to the door and saw that the front door was wide open. He ran back to Techno and shook him awake.

"Wilbur, what do you want?" Techno's voice was tired and deep.

"Tommy's gone. Quickly we have to go find him." Wilbur said in a panic.

Techno woke up and jumped out of bed. They ran to their father's room. Phil jumped at the door getting slammed open.

"Boys? Why are awake?" Phil said, he rubbed his eyes awake.

"Tommy's gone!" Wilbur almost seemed to yell.

Phil sat up and ran with them to the door. They all saw that Henry was gone. Their was only a trail that Henry left behind. The three ran into the direction that Tommy and Henry went in. It looked like they had went to the meadow.

They all ran and ran. Wanting to find Tommy as fast as possible. Wilbur's throat burned with pain, but he passed it off. Phil ran faster than them, but would let them catch up to him. The meadow was getting closer. With each step, they knew they were getting closer to him. 

A blue light came from the meadow up ahead. It felt safe for some reason. 

They ran into the field and saw a huge blue orb surrounding the meadow. The blue orb was made of blue butterflies. In the middle, Tommy sat there holding one of them in his hands. A purple flower was tucked behind his ear. His face lit up when he saw his dad and brothers sitting there. Tommy sat up and ran over to them. Techno, Wilbur, and Phil were still memorized by the blue orb surrounding them. 

"Dad, look at them!" Tommy said, a huge smile on his face. 

"Tommy, what is all this?" Phil said.

"Mom showed me this. She-"

"Mom?" Wilbur interrupted him.

Tommy looked up at him and showed Wilbur the glowing butterfly in his hands. "Yeah, this is mom." A smile was still across his face.

Techno looked down at the butterfly and remembered the story she had told them years ago. How blue butterflies were the souls of people who came to say goodbye. Now they were surrounded by thousands of them, which made the entire field turn blue. Everything looked so surreal and they didn't know if it was real or not. One look at Tommy, and you knew everything was real.

Phil bent down and looked at the butterfly. It stared back. The butterfly felt like someone he known before. Tears started to form in Philza's eyes. He knew his wife was in front of him, but she wasn't in her human form. 

The butterfly flew up and landed on Phil's nose. It nuzzled his nose, it felt like a kiss. It felt like she was kissing him. A smile tugged across his face. He knew that this was Kristen and he was so happy to see her once again.

A couple butterflies flew down and explored Wilbur and Techno. They flew in and out of his shirt. He giggled as the butterflies nuzzled his face. 

The butterflies flew around the hand that held the sword. Techno placed it on the ground and let the butterflies explore his hair. He could feel them fly in and out, exploring every part of his long pink hair. A couple landed in it, like they were decorations for it. He smiled as some landed down in his hand. It felt so nice to be seeing them.

Tommy ran off to the middle of the field. Thousands of butterflies flew down and surrounded Tommy. Phil could hear his giggling and laughing. It felt so nice to be in this meadow.

The butterfly in Phil's hand flew up and towards the smaller orb, that was around Tommy. It flew in and the butterflies let off a brighter glow. Wilbur, Techno, and Phil all stared at the bright blue orb. After a little bit, the orb broke apart to reveal a woman standing there and hugging Tommy. Shock filled the boys' face. They knew who she was right away.

"Mom!" Wilbur and Techno yelled, running to her.

"Kristen..." Phil's voice trailed off staring at the woman, who's smile welcomed him.

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