Chapter 12

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tw: death

"Phil, your hair is a mess." Kristen smiled, as she watched her husband land with hair all over his face.

Phil hugged her and kissed her cheek. Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy ran towards their father. Phil opened his arms wide and the three ran straight into him, almost making him fall to the ground. Phil let out a hard laugh. He picked up Wilbur and Tommy in arms, while Techno right next to his parents.

They walked into the house as the night settled behind them. Phil took out something that was wrapped in a light blue cloth. Tommy smiled brightly as he sat down on the floor. Phil kneeled down to him and held the light clue cloth close to him.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hands, Tommy. I have a gift for you." Phil watched as his little boy did exactly as he said.

Phil unwrapped his little gift and placed it in Tommy's hands. It was his birthday present for turning six today. Phil had a hard journey through the Nether to get this present. It was something that took awhile and Phil regretted staying away the entire thing to get this gift. 

Tommy slowly opened his eyes and looked down at the little gift his hands. It was a beautiful silver bracelet with a emerald gem in the middle. It could only be made from blaze rods and it took Phil weeks to make. Tommy's smile widened and tried to put it on. His wings flapped with excitement. Phil grabbed his sons hands and carefully put the bracelet on for him. Tommy sat up and showed Momza his new gift. She smiled and looked at the gift. 

"Mom, look at my bracelet!" Tommy said, the biggest smile was on his face.

"It's so pretty!" Kristen said, picking up Tommy and putting him in her lap.

She took Tommy's wrist and looked at the emerald bracelet. As she looked at it, Tommy yawned, but tried to hide it. Momza let out a small giggle. Kristen ruffled around Tommy's hair and stood up. Wilbur and Techno both ran to their rooms to go to bed. Tommy was gently placed down in his bed and he almost passed out immediately. Wilbur and Techno were a little harder to get to fall asleep, but eventually passed out as well.


Phil and Kristen had put their sons to sleep. They sat down on the bed and Kristen started to put Phil's hair up in a braid. She hummed her own little song while braiding his hair. Phil read his book quietly, listening to her little tune. It had always been since listening to her singing. 


Tommy woke during the night and went to his parents bedroom. As he walked closer, the sound of whimpering grew louder. He opened the door and looked at his mother's sleeping body. She laid almost unmoving. His father was no where in sight. 

Tommy jumped on the bed and shook at his mom. Her sleeping body almost looked like she didn't wanna wake. He shook her a little harder. 

"Momma, I can't sleep." Tommy said, trying to wake up his mother. "Mom?"

The sound of glass shattering came from behind Tommy. It startled him. Tommy turned to see his father with a very horrified face. Glass, from a potion, surrounded his feet. Phil's face looked frozen in fear. 

"Dad? Are you ok?" Tommy asked, still sitting next to his mother.

"I wish you didn't see her." Phil said, his voice was shaky and it sounded like he was crying. "You are too young yet.

Tommy watched as dark gentle mist in his father's hands. The gentle mist came towards Tommy and he could feel himself get sleepier. He slowly fell over and snuggled up to his mother. The last thing he heard before he fell asleep, was Phil's sobbing.

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