Chapter 16

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The boys ran into Kristen, making her fall over. She rolled her head back and let out laughs. Hugging her boys tight while she up righted herself. Her huge white wings covered them and pulled them closer to her. The hug was warm and felt like nostalgia. It had always been the hug Wilbur dreamed would come again one day, and now he was here.

Phil walked slowly up towards his family. He kept telling himself this wasn't real, but sitting there and staring them made him realize it was. He could feel himself getting faster the more steps he took. Soon he wasn't even taking steps, Phil was flying. Phil flew to them and hugged Kristen tightly. Tears fell down his face. He never knew that this day would ever come. He never knew that he was gonna see her once again.

"Kristen." Phil said, hugging her tightly.

"Philza, your hair is a mess." Kristen said, her voice was soft and welcoming. She hugged him back and kissed him.

A white glow came from her. She was like an angel. Well, she was one.

Tommy grabbed his mother's white gown and tried to climb up to her. Kristen picked him up and kissed him on the cheek. Tommy had never remembered what his mother looked like. He had only seen paintings or photos of her. He pulled himself closer to her and put his wings around her. She did the same, making a warmth cover her son.

"Mom, we missed you." Wilbur said, his face still buried in her stomach.

"I missed you too." Kristen put her hand on Wilbur's head. "I have always seen you guys everyday and protected you when you needed it. I knew one day you would meet me again."

"You won't leave us again, will you?" Techno asked, his voice sounded like he was about to cry.

Momza bent down and looked him in the eyes, Tommy still in her arm. "I have never left you and I never will." Kristen gave him a hug.

Henry mooed in the distance. Tommy jumped put of his mother's arms and ran to play with his cow. Kristen smiled and watched as her two other boys went to go look at the thousands of blue butterflies surrounding them. Philza and Kristen sat in the grass and watched their boys play. Phil remembered them doing this when they were younger, when the boys were younger. It was something Phil had always loved to do. It was something that he would always remember.

Wilbur sang to the blue butterflies around him and Techno. They seemed to like it and danced with his song. Techno just sat in the grass and listened. Tommy, on the other hand, was playing with the butterflies. Everywhere he ran, they would follow. Henry was covered in many butterflies. They were all resting on his big body. 

"I missed this." Philza spoke.

"I did too, but I watched them grow up from the distance." Kristen said, a warm smile still across her face. "Everyday, and night, I watched as they ran outside and played in the grass. I watched as you trained Techno. I watched a little blue butterfly."

Phil kissed his wife's head. "Now we can be together forever."

"Oh, Phil. I will, but...not in this form." 

Phil looked down at his wife. She was slowly vanishing from her feet and up. He didn't know what to do in that moment. Was she gonna leave him again? Fear filled Philza. He thought that he would once again take care of children on his own. He didn't want that. No, she can't be leaving. She can't be. She can't be. She can't be!

"Phil!" Kristen grabbed his face, startling him back into reality. "I'm not leaving you. I will always be with you. I will always watch the boys grow up."

Tears filled his eyes once again. He stood up and pulled her into a big hug. Phil didn't want her to go, but knew she couldn't stay for long.

"Then, why did you come back?" Phil said, holding her tightly in his arms.

"To help you say goodbye."

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