Chapter 3

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The boys got into the house and Phil walked Tommy to his room. He tucked his son down to bed and went to go tuck in Techno and Wilbur. They both looked terribly sad. It hurt Phil to know that his boys were now gonna grow up without a mother. They would grow up without someone to sing them or tell them a story to help them fall asleep. It felt like the world was more darker now.

 He walked over to Techno and kissed him on the forehead. Phil walked over to Wilbur and did the same thing. Before he could leave the room, Wilbur spoke. "Dad, aren't you gonna sing us goodnight."

Phil's heart broke a little more. "No, Wilbur. Not tonight."

" always sung us goodnight. I can't sleep without it."

"I know, Wil, but I can't tonight. I just need some rest and you do too."

Wilbur looked down and watched his dad shut off the lights and walk out of the room. He turned his head to Techno, his head covered by his blankets. Techno didn't look at or even say a sound the entire walk home. Wilbur hugged himself and started to sing a quiet song. It was one their mother used to sing to them, a long time ago. 

"Just close your eyes, little one. Sing yourself to sleep. For you will wake up in the morning, to my sunshine. I'll be here for you throughout the day, and at night, I'll protect you till your safe. My little one, my little one, my little one-"

"Wilbur, just go to bed." Techno said, his voice sounded hurt and broken. 

Wilbur stopped singing, but he felt hurt that Techno would say that. 

"I'm sorry." Wilbur mumbled. "I just wish she was here."

"I miss her too, but I don't wanna be reminded of her songs right now." Techno said.

Wilbur felt bad for Techno. He had never really showed his feelings that much, but now Techno is showing a lot. Techno never showed when he was sad, now he was showing it.

"Techno, are you-" The sound of Tommy crying stopped Wilbur from talking anymore.

Wilbur and Techno could hear it and they sat up in bed. They knew that Tommy didn't know that his mother was gone. The two looked at each other and got out of bed. They quietly walked through the halls, to their brother's room. Wilbur opened the door and was met with Tommy's loud sobbing.

Wilbur ran to the bed and tried to get Tommy to stop crying. Techno shut the door and went to help Wilbur. They grabbed his toys, trying to get him to stop crying. Nothing worked. Tommy's cry's got louder the more they tried.

"Please stop crying." Wilbur rocked Tommy back and forth, in his arms.

Techno grabbed Henry and held it up to him. Tommy looked at it and cried louder.

"No, no, no. Please stop crying, Tommy." Techno begged. "Here's Henry, please take him and stop crying."

"He won't stop crying, what are we gonna do?" Wilbur asked, his right shoulder wet from Tommy's tears.

Techno covered his ears. Trying to cut out his younger brother's crying. That's when it clicked. He knew how to get Tommy to stop crying. 

"Wilbur, sing one of mom's songs." Techno said.

"W-what, but you-" Wilbur started to say.

"I know what I said, but Tommy misses mom's songs. Just please sing to him. It's gonna be the only way to make him stop crying."

"But I though you didn't want me to sing."

"Please Wilbur, just sing."

Wilbur looked dow at his brother's face. Tommy's eyes were red from tears. His cheeks wet. He looked so sad. Wilbur knew that Techno was right. He had to sing mother's song, to get him to stop crying.

"Just close your eyes, little one. Sing yourself to sleep. For you will wake up in the morning, to my sunshine. I'll be here for you throughout the day, and at night, I'll protect you till your safe. My little one, my little one, my little one. Don't cry, for I am here.  I'll be here, I promise."

Tommy's crying slowed down, as he listened to Wilbur's singing. His eyes slowly closed and he drifted off to sleep. Wilbur and Techno sighed with relief. They placed their brother down in bed and tucked him in. Techno wiped away Tommy's tears. Wilbur placed henry beside Tommy, who snuggled up to it. Finally, the two could fall asleep. 

They walked out of the room and ran back to theirs. When going past their dads room, they could hear silent cries. Wilbur looked in and saw his father sitting on the side of the bed. His head in his hands. Phil's wings hung down. A white feather laid in his lap. It was Kristen's white feather.

Wilbur almost walked in before Techno grabbed his shoulder. Techno shook his head and they both walked back to their room. Wilbur thought about Phil, but passed it off. He knew that Phil was already upset enough as it is. The two drifted off to sleep, after the long day they just had.

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