Chapter 13

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"Happy birthday!" Tommy said, slamming open Techno and Wilbur's door.

Techno groaned as Tommy jumped on him. Wilbur giggled as he watched Tommy try to get Techno out of his bed. Techno grabbed Tommy's waist and started to tickle him. Tommy fought back, but was too weak to win. Wilbur and Techno burst out laughing as Tommy fell on the floor, to escape Techno. Techno sat up and reached down for Tommy. Tommy squealed and ran out of the room.

"Happy birthday, Techno." Wilbur said, stretching.

"Happy birthday, Wilbur." Techno said back, a smile across his face.

The two went to the kitchen to be met with a large breakfast. Phil smiled warmly at them and went back to cooking pancakes. Tommy sat at the table, waiting patiently for his food. Techno could see bruises across Tommy's arm from yesterday. When Techno looked down at his arms, he saw the new scars. He knew that those scars showed that he protected someone he loved. He smiled softly at them.

"Happy birthday you two." Phil said. "Sit down and eat, we will have a long day today."

Techno and Wilbur both sat down at the table. Techno made sure to sit next to Tommy, to bug him. Wilbur dished up his plate with some fruits and pancakes, a little disappointed since they didn't have sand in them. Techno reached over and poured himself a glass of orange juice. Tommy was keeping his eye on him, to make sure Techno didn't bully him more. 

"We will be opening your gifts after breakfast." Phil said, placing the food on the table and sitting down with them. "Then, I have fun things for us to do today."

"What are we doing?" Wilbur asked, shoveling food into his face.

"Don't eat with your mouth full and we will be making lanterns today. Then when it turns night, we will release them into the stars."

"Yay!" Tommy said excitingly. He raised his hands in the air, when he said that, and spilled his milk all over the table. "Oops."

Techno, Wilbur, and Phil let out laughs. Phil helped clean it up. Wilbur held in his laugh as Tommy didn't know what to do. After the milk was cleaned up, Phil ruffled around Tommy's hair and went back to eating.


The breakfast was over and the boys sat on the living room floor, ready for them to open their presents. Wilbur reached for a big shaped present and opened it. It was the guitar that he wanted for a very long time.

"Thank you so much, dad!" Wilbur said, his smile was very big.

"Your welcome, Will." Phil giggled.

Phil looked over at Techno, his face looked serious. Techno knew what was about to come. Phil smiled and reached into his pocket.

"Techno, you remember what I promised you?" Phil said.

"Yeah, I remember." Techno said, excited for what he was about to get.

Phil pulled out his fully enchanted nether rite sword and stretched it out to Techno. "Well, Techno, here you go."

Techno grabbed the sword and looked at it. He had never seen it up this close before. It shown a beautiful purplish black. This was the day he had been waiting for ever since Phil said he would get the sword on his 16th birthday. Now it was in the hands of it's new owner. Techno smiled widely and ran outside to go see its powers.

He dragged the dummy stand over to his fighting field and set it up. Phil stood and watched him from the house. Techno swung at the dummy. The entire stand ripped in half and got set on fire. Techno stood in amazement at how powerful the sword really was. Phil smiled and walked over to his oldest son.

"Now remember, Techno, this sword is very strong and you have to be very careful with it." Phil said.

"Yes, dad." Techno said, noticing his two little brothers run off with the new guitar in hand.

Wilbur and Tommy sat down on the ground. Wilbur strummed the instrument and sung songs to Tommy. Songs that seemed to flow with the small breeze around them. His songs sounded like his mother's voice. It made Tommy smile and look up to his brother. They knew that today was gonna be a good day.

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