Chapter 5

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Techno and Tommy picked at the flowers. Wilbur soon came and helped them. There wasn't a lot of flowers around, but there was enough to make one bouquet. Tommy ran around and picked up any flowers he saw. Techno was used to hold the flowers. Wilbur giggled as Tommy placed more flowers on his twin.

"You got enough flowers there?" Wilbur laughed as Tommy poured more flowers on top of Techno.

"Can you just help me?" Techno sassed back.

Wilbur grabbed some of the flowers and he began to make a flower crown with them. He carefully placed them in a certain order, to make it look nice. The biggest flower was used as the center. After he was done, Wilbur placed the crown on Techno's head. Tommy came over with some more flowers and saw the flower crown on Techno's head.

"That looks cool." Tommy said, pointing at the flower crown and also piling more flowers on Techno.

Wilbur grabbed the flowers and started to make some more. "I can make you one. Just go get me some more flowers."

Tommy ran and went to go look for more flowers. There wasn't a lot yet. Tommy looked for any flowers. He found a couple more and ran over to Wilbur. Wilbur took the flowers from Tommy and started to make another crown. Once it was done, Wilbur placed the crown on Tommy's head. Tommy smiled very brightly and ran over to show Phil.

"Dad, look at what Wilbur made me." Tommy ran towards his dad, showing off his flower crown.

"It's very pretty, Tommy." Phil said, picking him up. "Do you think I could get one?"

"Yeah!" Tommy took off his crown and placed it over Philza's green and white hat. He smiled as he saw how pretty the crown looked on his father. "Now, you are a king."

"Then, you are my prince." Phil said, pushing some of the hair out of Tommy's face. "Let's get Wilbur and Techno. We are gonna start heading home before it turns more and more dark out." Phil started to walk over to his to other boys, Tommy still in his arms.

"Will we get to play in the meadow when we get home?" Tommy asked.

The meadow was the place that Phil liked to take his sons. It was a big open empty field with flowers all around the place. At night, the field will glow from the moon shining up above it. It was Tommy's favorite place to go. Sometimes he would see a blue butterfly that would watch him from the distance. Every time he would go and try to catch it, it would only fly away. The butterfly never let him get too close. 

"If there's not a lot of mobs tonight." Phil said, beckoning Wilbur and Techno over to him.

Wilbur had made another flower crown, that was on his head. Techno still held a couple flowers in his arms. They two got over to Phil and all of them started to towards the Nether portal. Wilbur made fun of Techno for the fact he still had the crown on his head. Techno threatened to through him off the bridge in the Nether. Wilbur quickly shut up.

When they got through the portal, hot air surrounded them. Tommy liked the warmth of the Nether, it felt like his mother's hugs. As they walked through the Nether, Wilbur made sure to stay as far away from the edge of the bridge as possible. Phil giggled as Techno would slowly get closer to Wilbur, to scare him. Wilbur would push Techno away, but not hard enough to throw with off the bridge.

"Technoblade, stop!" Wilbur yelled as Techno scared him again.

Tommy, Phil, and Techno laughed out loud. Wilbur got more mad as they laughed harder. He yelled at them to stop laughing at him. Tommy even snorted, which made Techno fall to the ground laughing. The flowers, that Techno held, fell out of his arms and off the bridge. They burned in the lava below. Tommy watched and he felt sad for them. They may not have been alive, but they still had a lot to live yet.

"Sorry Tommy." Techno said, wiping his tears of laughter off his face. "I didn't mean to drop them like that."

Tommy looked at his brother and smiled. "It's ok, Techno. I'm pretty sure the lava is happy about it's gift."

Phil looked at Tommy and smiled. He kissed Tommy's forehead and nuzzled his hair. Tommy was learning to be kind very fast. 

They got through the portal. The chilly cold air made Tommy shiver. Phil wrapped Tommy in his jacket and took out his sword. The sword would be used to protect his family, like it always has, until they got back to the house. The four walked through the forest and back to their house.

When the passed the meadow, Tommy saw a blue glow come from a flower. He looked over his father's shoulder to see a blue butterfly looking over at them. It glowed a very bright blue. It was very pretty. Tommy wanted to go check out the butterfly, but it flew up into the air and into the forest. He waved it goodbye and snuggled up into Philza's shoulder. The warmth from his father made him tired and he let himself drift off to sleep.

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