Chapter 10

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Tommy was afraid to answer. He hated it whenever someone was mad at him. He tried his best to not show it, but knew he couldn't hold it for too long.

"I-I was so scared. I thought I was gonna-" Tommy started to say, but couldn't get the rest out. His voice was very shaky.

Techno stood up and started to walk over to Tommy. "You could've gotten yourself killed!" He yelled down at his brother.

Tears started to form in Tommy's eyes. "I'm s-sorry..." Tommy spoke quietly, afraid.

Tommy looked down at the bloody sword his older brother held. He had never imagined watching someone kill another. It was the first time he saw true death. He didn't know how to handle the situation and was afraid to speak.

"What would've happened if we didn't notice you were gone, Tommy?!" Techno yelled. "Don't you know how worried we were when we saw that you weren't there?"

"Techno, that's enough." Wilbur said, stepping between the two and facing Techno. "He didn't know what he did was wrong. But I do agree with you."

Tommy looked up at Wilbur in surprise. He could feel his face turning red and his eyes couldn't hold in the tears much longer. 

"Tommy, what you did was wrong. You should've never left the house." Wilbur said sternly, facing Tommy with crossed arms. "I am very disappointed in you, Tommy."

That's when the tears had broke. Those words made Tommy very sad. He hated that his brothers were mad and disappointed in him. Tommy felt like he had failed the two. It hurt to know that his dad was gonna be equally as mad.

"I'm done. We are going home." Techno reached over Wilbur and grabbed Tommy's non-injured arm. Tommy got dragged by Techno, back home.

Wilbur grabbed the lead of Henry and started to walk with them. Tommy was too afraid to speak at all, scared that Techno was gonna get more mad at him. With it almost dark, Techno must be more stressed. Tommy knew he had scared his brothers a lot and that his dad wasn't gonna be happy with him either. It was gonna be hard to explain what had happened out there.


The three boys had got home, when it was just turning dark. Tommy dreaded going into that house. He though Phil was in there, ready to yell at him. When they got inside, there was no one sitting at the table. Phil wasn't home just yet. Tommy was afraid of what was gonna happen when he did come back.

Techno dragged Tommy over to the table and placed him on one of the chairs. Tommy looked out the door to see Wilbur tying Henry up on the fencepost. Henry mooed at Wilbur as he walked in the house and shut the door. Wilbur looked at Tommy's arm and went to go get bandages, while Techno held the bridge of his nose. Techno looked very angry.

"Are...are you mad at me?" Tommy was hesitant to speak.

"Of course I am." Techno said, not looking at Tommy. "I thought you were gonna die. If we weren't there, what would've happened to you."

Wilbur walked into the room, holding bandages. "Techno, the kid has been through enough. Let's just fix him up and leave him to rest."

The boys didn't talk while Wilbur wrapped bandages around Tommy's arm. Wilbur was careful not to put it on too tightly. Sometimes, Tommy would flinch from the pain, it made Wilbur feel horrible. He felt bad that he couldn't get there in time, but Techno had saved him. Techno was also covered in wounds, but Wilbur knew he could take the pain. That doesn't mean he still wouldn't put anything on him though.

Once Wilbur was done with Tommy, he walked over to Techno and started to bandage him up.

"Tommy, go to bed." Techno said, his voice still stern and mad.

"But...I'm not tired..." Tommy said quietly.

"Tommy, please go to bed." Wilbur begged. "Dad will be home soon and we don't wanna get in trouble for keeping you awake for this long."

Tommy nodded slowly and walked to his room. His wings dragged behind him. He never wanted to speak up, he was afraid of getting in more trouble than before. So he just listened to his older brothers. He slowly closed the door behind him and crawled in bed. He let his tired eyes drag him off to sleep.

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