Chapter 14

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In the afternoon, the boys spent their time making lanterns. Each of them got to draw whatever they wanted on them. Wilbur drew a music note, Techno drew a crown, Tommy drew a music disc, and Phil drew his heart. They had made a fifth lantern as well. It was made to symbolize their mother. They each got a turn to draw on it. Wilbur drew her a flower, Techno drew a book, Phil drew her feather, and Tommy drew a butterfly.

"Why'd you draw a butterfly?" Wilbur asked as Tommy was finishing it up.

"I don't know. It just feels like something she loves." Tommy said with a smile.


The night soon came and the boys all stood outside with their lanterns. Phil held his and Kristen's in his hands. He carefully lighted each one of them and let his go into the air. Next, Wilbur let go of his. Techno released his. Finally, Tommy let go of his and watched it fly up into the air. All that was left now was Kristen's. 

Phil kneeled down and let the boys grab onto it. They lifted it up into the air and let the wind take it up to the four above it. The lantern  floated up and went in the front of theirs. It almost seemed like it was showing them where to go. The boys watched as they turned into the many stars in the sky above them.

Phil giggled as he heard Tommy yawn. He picked up his sleepy boy in his arms and stared back at the stars. Their lanterns were just stars now. Phil could feel Tommy snuggle up into his chest. His smile got warmer and he walked into the house with him. Wilbur and Techno followed behind.

Wilbur and Techno pushed their beds together to have Tommy sleep with them. They crawled into bed as Phil placed Tommy down on their combined beds. Wilbur put his hand over Tommy and pulled him closer to him. Techno snuggled up to them. 

Phil smiled down at his sleepy boys. He kissed them each on the foreheads and walked out of the room. He carefully shut the door and listened to his boys drift off to sleep. It seemed like this day was getting better by the second.


A blue light shown from the window, waking Tommy up. He looked out it, to see a beautiful blue butterfly sitting on the windowsill. It stared back at him. Tommy sat up, careful not to wake his brothers. The butterfly flew up and away. Tommy got up from the bed and ran out of the room. He opened the front door to see Henry looking in the direction the butterfly went.

"You saw it too." Tommy said, running over to Henry and untying him from his post. "Let's go follow it."

The two followed the trail of the butterfly. They were going into the direction of the meadow. Tommy had always recognized this trail. He loved the meadow and to play in it with his brothers. It was where Kristen would take them a lot. 

When he got to the meadow, Tommy saw a blue glow coming from the middle of the meadow. He walked over their to see the butterfly sitting on a flower. He reached his arm out and the butterfly crawled into his hand. It sat calmly in his hand as he brought it up to his face. It felt like it was smiling at him. 

He heard some rustling behind him and turned around. A similar figure stood behind him.


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