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Eliza slammed herself down onto the mat and tightened her grip around Natasha's throat. She wrapped her legs around Natasha's thighs and arched her back to straighten her out.

Nat grunted and dug her nails into Eliza's forearms. She held on for dear life, then bent her knees until her heels caught the mat. She kicked herself up until her shoulders pressed into Eliza's chest and restricted her blood flow.

"This-" Natasha grunted through Eliza's steel grip. "-is how you force them to loosen their grip. You restrict their breathing. As their oxygen depletes, they'll unintentionally loosen until-" she placed the butt of her palms under Eliza's forearms and shoved them up. In one swift movement she had pulled herself free, then spun on her butt and pulled Eliza into her chest. Eliza's back pressed into Natasha's chest before Natasha wove her arms over the top of Eliza's biceps, then behind her neck until she locked her in place.

Eliza grunted at the sudden pressure placed between her shoulder blades. 

"Escape. You have half a minute until I snap your neck."

She huffed at the dramatics, but didn't say anything. Instead, she kicked her feet to try and escape, but Natasha wrapped her ankles around Eliza's calves and held them in place.

She threw herself back, but Natasha rolled them on their sides so she couldn't duplicate Natasha's move.

"Think. How do you get yourself out?" Natasha's pants fanned over Eliza's left ear and traveled down her neck.

She used her mentor's breathing to calm her down. In order to escape, she needed a clear head. So, she tracked Natasha's breath and matched her own to it.

After three breaths, she had it.

She bent her legs until her heels pressed into the back of her thighs. The move was so sudden Natasha couldn't keep up. She used the unexpected freedom and kicked her feet out until her feet planted on the ground. Without wasting a single second, she kicked off the ground and threw herself backwards over Natasha's head. She summersaulted backwards and loosened her arms so they didn't break in the hold.

In the confusion, Natasha's grip faltered. She used that as she pulled her arms free and moved herself away from Natasha.

She jumped up and rolled her shoulders back.

Natasha pushed herself up and turned towards her. "Good." She smiled wickedly, with flushed cheeks and crazed eyes. "That was good."

Eliza licked her lips and held up her fists. "Thanks. I've learned from the best."

Natasha lunged forward to attack. Eliza threw the first punch, but Natasha side stepped it and grabbed Eliza's wrist. She spun on her heels and pressed her shoulder into Eliza's chest before she threw her over her shoulder and onto the ground.

All the breath squeezed from her lungs at the sudden impact. She gasped in a breath and looked up at her mentor as she twisted her fist in her grip.

She gritted her teeth and kicked her right foot up and hooked it around Natasha's extended shoulder. She grabbed onto Natasha's wrist and used her foot to pull her down onto the mat beside her.

She rolled over her and pressed her knee into the over extended shoulder. Her knee found the soft tissue where Natasha's shoulder threatened to separate, and it took root there. She pulled on Natasha's wrist to test the strength of her shoulder. The smallest tug opened the space up until Eliza was sure she could dislocate Nat's shoulder.

To free herself, Natasha threw her leg up, but Eliza anticipated it and threw her elbow back to ram into Natasha's thigh. She hissed and let her leg fall back to the ground.

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now