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Pain encompassed her.

Eliza woke with a wild start, plunged from the darkness by a deeply rooted eagerness that ate away at her.

She gasped on stale air and ripped herself up. Her head hit something above her and knocked her backward.

She panted as her eyes opened to see a white tube all around her. There were bright lights shooting down into her eyes and stealing all color from around her. Her breath quickened as she lifted her fatigued arms to press on the ceiling.

"Eliza," a voice came through a small speaker above her head. She tilted her head back to look upside-down at a small speak built into the top. "Eliza, you need to calm down. We're taking an MRI to see what is going on, okay?"

The panting continued as she tried to catch her breath, but with each breath it seemed near impossible to catch up. "Whe-where ammm I?" Her words were slurred, but at least she could speak English.

"You're at the hospital. You were brought in unresponsive. Can you tell us what happened?"

She shook her head as she lifted herself up. She only made it to her elbows before the pain in her abdomen sharpened. She gasped and let her head fall back. Her arms shook then quickly gave out under her.

"Eliza, you need to lay still."

"What- what hosspital?"

"Queens Memorial," the voice answered. "Tell us what happened?"

"I-I-I don't-" she thought back to her time on the roof with Peter. They were hopping rooftops when all of a sudden her body began to fail her. "I'm wrong," she realized aloud.

"Sorry? Did you say you're wrong?"

Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at the top of the white tube. The lights created dots in her eyes that nearly blinded her.

"I'm wrong," she said again. The tears cascaded over her eyes and trailed down to her temples. "I'm wrong."

The MRI hummed as it took a fully-body image of her. She stayed still as it worked. She knew there would be no point. No matter what the MRI showed, she knew what was to come.

She was dying. Just like her sisters.

"Where is Tony?"

"Mr. Stark is on his way. He had a business meeting in California but he should be here shortly."

She gulped and closed her eyes. "And Happy? H-Happppy Hogannn?"

"He's in the lobby with some other people who are very worried about you."

She tried to swallow and found it difficult to get anything down. "I-" Her voice scratched so she stopped trying to speak.

The hum of the machine died. The lights flickered before dimming completely and leaving her in a settled darkness. Her chin wobbled as all she had was the pain to remind her that she was, in fact, still alive.

A door opened, then shortly after she was being pulled from the MRI. She wiped her tears away before anyone could see them.

There were three doctors who met her at the bottom of the MRI machine. One was an elderly African American man with kind eyes and a thin beard casing the edge of his jaw. Though he was older, he looked well kept after. She could tell by the lack of wrinkles or gray in his hair. Behind him were two younger doctors who looked exhausted but held a thrilled sparkle to their tired eyes.

The elderly doctor placed a hand on her knee and offered a slight squeeze. "Everything will be okay now. We're going to take you back to your room while the photos develop. A nurse will draw some blood for more tests. Then when we have all the information, we will know what our next steps are."

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now