New Mission

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The long rectangular table in front of her was filled with large bowls of differing salads, and there was a long platter of grilled chicken with varying seasons spread along it.

Eliza sat between Wanda and Sam as she looked at all the food. The savory scent of warm chicken mixed with the sweet, decadent salad dressings and made her stomach growl in anticipation.

"Who cooked this?" She asked as they all waited for Tony to join them.

"I did," Sam looked at her as he answered.

Her eyebrows flew halfway up her forehead as she met his gaze. "You did?" The surprise was evident in her voice. "Oh."

"'Oh'?" He mocked her. "What does that mean?"

"Sam," Rhodes warned him.

Sam looked towards the older man with the same unsettled disgust on his face. "What? This little chick comes in here and throws people over her shoulders then questions their food? That's rude."

"Sam," Steve talked him down. "You need to get over it. She's apologized."

Eliza nodded, though Sam wasn't looking at her to see it.

He scoffed as he sat back in his chair. He looked towards her reluctantly to see she was still nodding. "Don't ever throw me over your shoulder again."

"I can't promise that," she told him meekly. "But-" She added quickly when he leaned away from her. "I can promise that if I do it again there is a seventy percent chance that it's not intentional. Sometimes I think I'm still back at The Academy and I fight the people around me."

Sam frowned at her apology. She blinked as she watched the pity darken his eyes, then he lowered his gaze to his lap.

"If you don't want her to body slam you, don't touch her." Natasha's tip made both Eliza and Sam look over at her. She sat between Rhodes and Steve, straight across from Eliza.

Eliza nodded as she looked back towards Sam with vibrant eyes. "That's true. Touch is a strong trigger. I don't always have control of myself, and an unexpected touch throws me off." She shrugged her shoulders. "Like I said, it's not intentional."

Sam sighed as he nodded. "Alright, alright, you're forgiven. But don't question my cooking again-" he wagged a warning finger at her.

Eliza watched his finger as she nodded submissively.

"I'm here, I'm here," Tony walked into the dining room dressed in a pressed black suit, a maroon undershirt with the top button undone and a loose tie sloppily fitted around his neck. He sat at the head of the table, opposite of Vision who sat at the other end.

"Where've you been?" Rhodes asked him.

"I had a meeting. Apparently, there is some trouble in Lagos."

Eliza quirked an eyebrow as she looked from Tony to Steve and Natasha. Both stiffened at the news, then shared a look.

"Anything we should be concerned about?" Steve asked.

"Yes, but that's a conversation for after dinner," Tony told him. "Come on, let's eat. I'm starving."

Eliza nodded in agreement as she reached for a bowl of salad. She dumped some of the greens onto her plate, then topped it with tomatoes, beets, mushrooms, shredded carrots, and water chestnuts. She drizzled a light oil vinaigrette over the top of it all, then placed a thin slice of chicken over it as her protein.

"So, Eliza," Steve started as he cut his chicken into small, bite-sized pieces. "Where've you gone so far?"

Eliza focused on cutting her chicken and lettuce into smaller pieces.

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