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Eliza sat in the driver's seat of her car as they faced the empty field on the border of Virginia. The large field was yellow from the cold with short sharp grass. Beyond it was a rocky beach with angry gray waves crashing over the pointed, dangerous rocks. 

"I've never been here before," Peter admitted as he watched the waves. "I thought it would be pretty."

Her head hit the seat's rest as she watched the waves. "It sort of is, in a dangerous way." Her eyes fluttered as she watched the waves tumble over the waves. The water devoured the rocks until the sharp edges drowned under it. Then, the water pulled away to reveal the soggy, dark rocks just as they were. "I always think of the storms that come from the ocean. The giant waves tower over everything and crash over it. A tsunami can cause concrete buildings to crumble. That much power in water-" she laughed softly as she shook her head. "It's intimidating and unnerving and sort of-"

"Beautiful?" He guessed. 

She grinned and looked over at her. "I'm becoming predictable, aren't I?"

His thin lips pulled up into a small smile. "It just sort of fits you," he told her with a shrug. "Something dangerous and unsuspecting. It's... like you."

Her scarred brow lifted. "I am also intimidating and unnerving and sort of beautiful?"

His cheeks tinged pink as he realized what he had said. He looked away from her to watch the waves. "You are definitely intimidating."

"And unnerving," she added with an ounce of pride. "I have scared off many people with a single slip of my tongue."

"And beautiful," he breathed out as another wave crashed into the rocks. The rocks fought back, sending a spray of mist into the air. It dematerialized before their very eyes. 

Her head pressed into the chair as she admired Peter's side profile. "You're beautiful, too," she whispered. 

The pink in his cheeks that had just begun to fade came back with a vengeance. She watched it develop into a deep red hue that traveled back to his ears. 

"I know boys don't like being called beautiful," she told him when he didn't say anything. "But I don't know another English word that fits that way I view you. You are beautiful to me. And until I can find a better fitting word, you'll have to live with that."

He looked over at her, his brown eyes just as unnerving as the waves before them. She saw the same danger in them as she knew she would soon be swept underneath them. She just hoped, like the rocks, to survive the crash. 

A hum fizzled over their heads, breaking them from their stare. She leaned forward to look up as a large gray jet lowered toward the empty field. She grinned as she watched it land. The strong engines threw off harsh winds that pushed the dead grass and caused it to fly every way. Even the waves muted under the strong wind's influence. 

"I have to warn you," Eliza started as she turned off the car. "They are very brass. Don't take anything they say seriously, and if Alexei asks to talk to you alone-" she opened her door before she looked back at him. "Don't."

His eyes widened at the serious tone of her voice. 

She gave him a smile before she hopped out of the car. She slammed the door behind her as she walked toward the jet. 

The engines cut off, stealing the loud hum from the air. Without it, there was only the wind and crashing waves to set the mood. The jet's ramp lowered with Yelena, Alexei, and Melina waiting at the top of it. The sight of Yelena made Eliza skip a step before sprinting toward her. 

Yelena ran down the ramp with an excited grin over her plump lips. When she reached Eliza she wrapped her arms around her and picked her up to spin them. Eliza laughed into the wind as she hugged her sister. 

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now