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Eliza grunted as she rolled over her mat. Natasha followed after her, climbing on top of her before placing a forearm to her throat. "You're distracted," she seethed.

Eliza bucked her hips up and to the side, throwing Natasha off of her. She rolled the opposing way and stood to her knees. "I'm not," she lied. She jumped to her feet and stepped back to add space between her and her mentor. "Maybe you're overthinking things."

Natasha stood to her feet and turned to face her. She had sweat dripping down her temples and soaking her hairline. Her cheeks were rosy and eyes wild as she stalked toward Eliza.

Eliza matched her, step for step, and they circled the mat.

"Tell me," Natasha baited her. "Tell me what's on your mind."

She lunged forward and went for Natasha's knees. She swooped her arms around the bend of Natasha's knees and picked her up off the ground. Natasha brought a quick elbow down on her back but she's refused to break. She stood tall and took a step backward with Natasha thrown over her shoulder. "Nothing," she lied.

She dropped backward, bringing Natasha down on her head. As soon as they were down, Eliza let go and sprung up. She barely made it a step before Natasha grabbed her ankle and pulled it out from under her.

Eliza landed face first in the mat. Natasha dragged her backward and flung her over. She twisted her legs around Eliza's to trap her, then extended backward to apply pressure on her knee. "Tell me or I'll break it."

She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her tongue to keep from screaming out. Her fists dug into the mat to keep herself still. Any movement would have only added to the pain. "I-" her words strained. "I told Peter I have feelings for him!"

At her confession, Natasha dropped her hold. Eliza let out a breath and relaxed against the mat. Sweat clung to her curls, drenching them to the very tips.

Natasha sat up to look down at her. "You told him?"

She nodded, still with her eyes shut. "He said it first. He told me he liked me, then I said I liked him."

"Was this before or after the Washington Monument fiasco?"

"Before, well -" her eyes popped open. "Then kind of after. He had to reiterate it for me to understand." She sat up to rub her sore thigh muscle. "It was confusing. I didn't believe him at first, then he said these nice things to me, and now-" she shrugged. "Now I believe him."

Natasha stayed quiet. After a few minutes of nothing but their breathing, Eliza looked up at her. "What?"

Natasha flashed a grin. "I knew that boy would be good for you."

Heat seared her cheeks. She stood and grabbed her water to distract herself with a drink. She finished off the entire bottle, letting some drip down her chin and falling to meet the sweat lining her shirt. She sensed Natasha behind her but decided to ignore her as she dropped the bottle and wiped the dripping water from her chin.

"So, you admitted you have feelings... why are you distracted?"

She looked at her bottle to fit the cap over it. "Because... now all I can think about is what he said to me and how I- I got this- this fluttering-" she rolled her hand in front of her stomach.

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now