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The cool air blew from the small vent positioned along the roof of the car and hit her right on her flushed cheeks. A single stray curl spun in the shockwave of the air pushing off her cheeks. It spun round and round by her temple and tickled her earlobe. She pushed it back and tucked it behind her ear, but the air simply knocked it out and began to twirl it again. 

"This is the address, pull in here, Happy." Pepper pointed to a large apartment building to the right. 

She pulled in a long breath and crouched down to look out the window. She peered at the far top of the building to see the top getting lost in the darkening sky. 

"We'll wait here if you want to go collect her."

She nodded absently at Pepper before she opened her door and slipped out. The fall air of Queens was more refreshing than the AC of the town car- or maybe she just thought so because she found sharing company with Pepper stuffy. 

She had nothing in common with the woman. Their relationship began and ended with Tony, and even their views on him were skewed. Pepper loved him romantically. She... was fond of his company. 

She found it easier to breathe the further from the car she got. By the time she stood on the steps of the apartment complex she was able to pull in a large breath. She took advantage and held the breath as she pressed the buzzer for MJ's apartment. 

It took half a minute before MJ's voice came through the speaker clear as day. "Come up. My parents are dying to meet you. They think I made you up and I'm trying to sneak out to a boy's house."

She smirked and waited for the long buzz before trying the door. 

The only other apartment complex she had been in before was Peters, but this one was much better. There was no stench of stale water, and as she walked she couldn't spot a single water stain on the ceiling tiles. 

There was, however, the soft scent of lavender and gentle music seeping from one of the rooms. 

She walked towards the elevator and pressed the button only for it to immediately open for her. She stepped in and found the scent of lavender carried over. 

MJ's floor had rich red carpets lining the floor and a nude paint covering the walls. Between each brown doorway were paintings of skylines- each looked to be stills from Queen itself. 

MJ was waiting for her in her doorway. She was propped against the wooden frame with her arms lazily folded over her chest. Her overnight bag was by her feet, looking slightly deflated lonely. 

She waved as she crossed the hall to get to her. "So... your parents?"

At her call, two tall, beautiful people stepped around MJ to flood the hall. The father had to be at least 6'5, but he didn't look the least bit intimidating as he towered over her. He wore a blinding white smile and had a head so bald there was a shine mark from the hall's light. "Hi," he extended a hand towards her. "I'm Marcus, MJ's dad."

She gently took his hand and found he had a strong, assuring grip. 


She looked towards MJ's mom who had beautiful caramel skin and eyes such a light shade of brown they were closer to amber. Her hair had defined, tight curls that held a high gloss and gave her hair envy. 

"I'm Maria."

She shook her hand and found it soft and comforting. 

"It's lovely to meet you both," she tried to sound as polite as possible but her accent thickened and made her stand out like a sore thumb. 

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now