Moving on

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Eliza straightened the olive green duvet over her bed and moved her brown pillows back to her headboard. She plucked the tags and bags from the ground beside her bed and threw them in the trash can. Next, she moved to the adjacent corner of the room to adjust the plant stand with her very own pathos plant resting on it. The grow light Tony set up for her was working splendidly as it cast a warm glow over the top of it. She thumbed a new leaf and smiled at the pop of green.

She turned around in the corner to look at her room. It had been so bare before. Even with the photos she put on the wall, it was like a rented room she took up in. But now, with her own bedding, framed photos, and plant, it felt like hers.

She smiled and picked up more trash from her decorating. She just moved out of her bathroom with a trashbag full when she spotted Peter in the doorway. "Peter." She grinned and sat the trash by the bathroom door.

Peter wore a gray shirt with two molecules printed on it. The one on the left said I lost an electron which prompted the other to say Are you positive? She could barely see the design as he wore a green coat over the top of it. His hair was parted down the side and slicked back in perfect-Peter fashion. He looked much better from the fight a few days ago. He was completely healed and walking just fine as he stepped into her room.

"I like your shirt." She pointed at the funny design.

He looked down at it and laughed softly. "Uh, thanks."

She hummed as she crossed the room to grab a cream-colored throw blanket. She unrolled it and tossed it lopsidedly onto the foot of her bed. "I heard Tony offered you a spot here." She wiggled her eyebrows as she peered at him over her shoulder. "Did you take it?"

He took his time answering as he looked around her room. "You... decorated."

She hummed as she turned to face him. She set her hands on her hips as she looked at the freshly painted viridian walls, the collage of photos, then to her bed. "I did. I picked out the new color. And- and I found this incredibly soft bedding at this one store Tony took me to-" she spun around to pat the blanket she had just set out. The cream throw squished under her hand and left a print when she stood tall. "I got brown silk pillows- which, if you remember is my favorite color." She grinned at him before looking at the photos. "Then, Tony printed off the photos on a larger canvas for me and I stuck them up to fill the whole wall." She spun around to walk over to her plant. "I got a plant. I-I think I'm going to be a plant person." She looked over at Peter to find him grinning. "There's something beautiful about owning a plant and watching it grow. It's like-" she looked at the plant as she traced the longest vine. "It's like no matter what, it keeps growing. It grows best when it's properly cared for, but even when it's neglected, it will still grow. The leaves might look darker or smaller, but the plant doesn't stop growing." She lifted her gaze back to Peter's. "It's a bit of a literal sense for me, but I like the metaphor."

His grin stayed as he stepped toward her. "You moved in."

She nodded as she closed the distance between him. "I decided it was time." She ticked her head to the side as she tried to fight off her growing smile. "It took some time away from everything to realize that this-" she looked around her room, then settled her gaze on him. "This is my home."

His smile fell, then his lips parted as he let out a single, disbelieving breath. "Really?"

She nodded slowly as she kept her smile. "Yeah. Being here with Tony and Happy and you feels better than anything before. This is where I'm supposed to be." She looked between his brown eyes to find that familiar spark from before.

His lips twitched up into a smile. Before it grew, he leaned forward and quickly brushed his lips against hers. It was the barest touch of skin, but Eliza's cheeks flooded with heat.

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now