Those left behind

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Peter sat on the foot of Eliza's bed as he watched the lights move in the bathroom. His shoulders were slumped and hands fell loosely between his knees. He couldn't move. He could barely breathe as he listened to her rummage through her closet. 

"I won't need that many clothes. Who knows if I'll even be able to sleep." She moved from her bathroom with several pairs of pants and some long-sleeved shirts. She moved to her bag beside Peter to stuff the clothes in. 

He lifted his gaze to watch her. There was no remorse in her eyes. The icy blue hue was clear as the deep ocean with just as many endless mysteries. He could see so much in her eyes that begged him to dive deeper. He wanted to spend the rest of his life looking into her eyes to see every inch of depth she had to offer. Instead, she was leaving him again

She pulled her phone out from her back pocket as she moved into her bedroom. She dialed someone and put the call on speaker. It rang a few times before MJ picked up. "Hey, are you on your way over."

Peter winced and bowed his head. He may have been her boyfriend, but MJ was her best friend. She hurt as much as he did when Eliza left the first time. He couldn't imagine how she would take the news. 

"Hey, I have to tell you something." She disappeared into her closet, bringing the conversation with her. 

Peter took in a deep breath as he looked over at her bag. She barely had any clothes packed for her trip. Was it even called a trip? What do you call a single person going out to fight an entire terrorist operation sprung across Europe?

Eliza walked back out with a large black fluffy coat. "The United Nations came to me personally, MJ."

"I thought you didn't want to be their weapon."

He looked up to catch her wince. "I'm not their weapon. I'm choosing to do this. If I don't then more people will die. This group is- they've already posted videos of public executions."

MJ sighed. "Yeah, I've seen the news. They are bad, Eliza. Is it-is it just you?"

She threw her jacket over her bag. "Yeah. It'll just be me."

"What about Spider-Man?" MJ's voice leaned toward pleasing. Peter had never heard her beg before, but then again he never knew her to have friends. 

Eliza looked at him. His eyebrows pinched as he saw the conflict in her eyes. 

"No, Spider-Man won't be coming with me."

"Why not?"

She sighed as she fell onto the bed beside him. He stiffened as she rested her head gently on his shoulder. "I don't want Spider-Man to get hurt."

"But he's your partner."

"Which is exactly why I want him to stay safe." She placed her hand on his knee to squeeze it. "All I want is to keep him safe."

"What about you?" MJ asked the same question he did. 

Eliza turned her head to press her forehead against the top of his shoulder. He turned his head and kissed her hairline. He wanted to go. Every part of him wanted to go with her. But he knew trying to argue with her would only hurt the limited time they had left. 

"I'll be okay."

"I don't want you to go."

Eliza stiffened at the plea. He could still see the look in her eyes as she begged him not to ask her to stay again. He had never known her to crack before, but as she begged him not to ask, he could see the thin line she drew herself. It was so delicate if he breathed wrong he knew she would crumble against him. 

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now