Let's get this party started

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Eliza tightened the strings of her new converse as she waited for Happy to finish getting ready.

Tony walked into the kitchen and stopped to look at her as she used the bar stool as a foot rest. "It's Friday, right?"

"Yes." She dropped her foot and lifted the next.

He hummed as he slowly made his way around the island, all while watching her closely. "I'm leaving in a bit for this party in India. It's a formal thing, I'll have to dress up and make a small speech, shake some hands, but there'll be food and sun and alcohol- for me, not you."

Eliza's brows furrowed as she stopped tying her shoes to look up at him.

He pulled in a long breath and made himself busy by grabbing a mug and filling it with the leftover coffee. "I know this week has been hard on you, so what do you say you ditch school today, hop on a jet with me and make this thing slightly less dull?" He stalled, with the coffee pot still raised and dripping the remaining dribble of caffeine into his steaming mug.

She worked on her laces again as she looked from him to her laces, then back to him. "Just like that, you'd let me ditch school?"

He shrugged and set the empty coffee pot on its warmer, then raised the mug to his chin. It paused there, the steam rising and warming his cheeks. "You get good grades," he bargained, more with her than with himself it seemed. "You turn in all your homework on time and you rarely make a fuss with your teachers." His right brow scored up as he reminded her of her trip to the Principal's office at the beginning of that very  week. "I think you deserve to ditch." He decided for her before he took a sip of his coffee. 

She huffed and looked down at her white converse. "Um," She thought of Liz's party that night, then Hamilton with Pepper and MJ the next night. "I can't." She looked up at him solemnly. "I'm going to this party with Peter and Ned, then remember, Pepper got tickets for-"

"Hamilton," he finished for her.

She nodded stiffly.

"Right..." He took a long, annoyingly loud slurp of his coffee.

She dropped her foot and stood tall as she watched him. His posture changed- his shoulders pulled taut and he tilted his chin away from her.

He was upset. He was upset that she couldn't go with him.

"It'll be good for you," she added to try and cheer him up. "The sun, the fresh air, the alcohol."

He nodded as he swallowed, then watched his mug as he set it on the counter. "I need a vacation."

"Of course," she agreed, though she thought that most of his life was a vacation. "After everything..."


She awkwardly shuffled her weight from foot to foot. She wasn't good with consoling. She never had to do it before. But now? Tony seemed to need it.

"Ready?" Like a man ready to save the day, Happy walked in wearing a freshly pressed suit and smelling of after shave.

Eliza seized the opportunity as she grabbed her bag. "Yes, and hey-" she started to head for the stairs as she looked back to Tony. "The next time you have a horrid party to attend, I'll come along to make it better for you."

Her promise seemed to do the trick as Tony smirked. "I'll hold you to that."

She grinned back, though not as deviously as he had. "Good. Have fun."

He nodded and waved them off as he took another drink from his mug.

She turned to follow after Happy, who seemed to be in a particularly big rush as he practically sped to the stairs.

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now