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The sky exploded with gorgeous hues of baby pinks, soft yellows, and lavenders that reminded Eliza of paintings dead artisans wished to be able to duplicate with a simple brush and canvas.

The sight before her was magnificent. It was true, undiluted, beauty that she had never before been able to appreciate. There was always something else that called for her attention- a mission, a target, training.

But now, as she sat on the top of an apartment complex with Peter rambling about Physics beside her, she had all the time in the world. She wanted to spend every last second appreciating the beauty that had evaded her for so long.

So long.

"And did you know that actual spiders can change the strength of their webbing when they're building their webs? It allows them to change the integrity of the design and give strength to the radial threads on the outside. Really, it's genius because they're saving their strength for the part of the web that holds the most weight, and- Eliza?" He nudged her with his elbow.

She pulled in a breath and sat up straighter. "Sorry, Peter. It's just..." She lifted a hand to the setting sun as it nestled behind the Manhattan bridge in the distance. "How have I never noticed this before?" Her eyes fluttered as she refused to close her eyes- even for a moment- in fear that she'd miss something.

"Oh..." Peter let out a long, slow breath as he watched her admire the sunset. "Oh." His eyebrows pushed up as he saw the reflection of the sleepy sun in her blue eyes. The blue of her irises changed until her eyes perfectly mirrored the sky above. "Wow."

She smiled as she watched the yellows transition into pinks only for the pinks to change to purples and the purples to fade into a dark blue. "Yeah..." She agreed. "Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"

He gulped as he watched her lips pull up into a brilliant smile. "Yeah," he agreed without thought. "It is."

She turned her head to see him staring at her. His brown eyes captured every hue displayed before them. She could stare into his eyes and watch the sun set through them and find it just as enchanting as the real thing.

"Sorry," she muttered as she tucked her hair behind her ears. She gulped and looked down at her feet as they dangled off the edge of the rooftop. "You were talking about webbing." She tried to recall the last thing he said. "You-" she looked up at him to see he had turned to look at the sunset. The pinks in the sky made his cheeks look flushed- or maybe that was of his own creation. "Were you thinking of adjusting your web shooters so you could manufacture their integrity in any given situation?"

The tips of his brows dipped together as he gave her a startled look.


"You-" He laughed and licked his bottom lip. "You sounded like me for a second."

In her daze, she smiled at the compliment. "Well, maybe you're growing on me." She bumped her shoulder against his as she turned to watch the sun dip below the horizon. "It'd be smart, you know." She told him aloofly. "Being able to adjust the webbing's integrity would help you create sophisticated designs that could hold even super human villains- not that- um- not that we'd fight people like that..." Her own cheeks heated up as she realized her mistake.

"Right." Peter assured her.

She cleared her throat and looked down to the darkening city below. It began to quiet as the weekday was winding to a close. There were cars slowing as they traveled home, workmen and women striding quickly down the sidewalks in anticipation for their dinner waiting for them when they got home.

The world was yearning for home, but Eliza found hers in the sights beyond.

She watched one power couple, a man and woman in equally clipped suits, primped hair, and faces set sternly yet beautifully.

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now