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Eliza sat stiffly on Peter's rolly chair as she stared at his profile. He and Ned both watched a small projection of Queens protruding up from Peter's webshooter. They were so intently watching it that Peter had no idea she was staring at him.

She couldn't help it. She was finding it harder and harder to focus on the mission when her emotions for Peter were growing every day. How could she prevent them? When he protects her from making mistakes and holds her securely against him as they evade criminals? Anyone would swoon.

She thought she was immune to such charm, but he had a way of breaking through them. No, not breaking. Politely knocking and wiping his feet before he entered.

"This is so awesome!" Ned laughed as he tilted his head to examine the projection from another angle.

Eliza's eyes fluttered as she forced herself to look away from Peter. She looked, instead, to the projection to see a blinking dot in the middle of the city. The dot stayed localized while the city moved around it.

"I know, right?" Peter agreed as he moved around the projection to sit beside Ned. His eyes flickered over to Eliza. She could feel the heat of his gaze and forced herself to keep watching the image.

She watched as Ned poked the hologram. His finger went right through it, but the image sharpened as it noticed his influence.

"They're in Brooklyn," Peter noted as the cityscape changed.

She hummed at the name. "Maybe they're trying to find Captain America." Her eyebrows wiggled as neither boy appreciated her joke. They looked to her dryly. "What?" She lifted her shoulders in defense. "He could be anywhere. They would probably assume he's too smart to go back to his hometown, which makes it the perfect place for him to hide out."

Ned lowered the webshooter as he became more invested in the conversation. "So... you really don't know where Captain America is?"

She shook her head.

"What about The Maximoff chick?"

Her shoulders pulled taut at the disrespect. "Her name's Wanda," she corrected him stiffly. "And no, I don't know where any of them are. It's for their protection. If I know then that means that the vindictive, cruel, Secretary of State would know and he just wants to lock them up." She shook her head as she looked down at the webshooter in his hands. "They're better off wherever they are, even if I never see them again."

"What about the letter you wrote?" Peter asked her gently.

The reminder made her breath stall.

Her eyes fluttered as she remembered the look in Vision's eyes as he came back empty-handed. "I'm sorry," He had told her. "I gave her the letter, but she had nothing to give in return."

"It got me nothing." She looked at him as she told him. "I poured my soul to her and she wrote nothing back." She sniffed to prevent the budding emotion. "It's better off, if we were to try and communicate, it could be intercepted. And- I don't even know if I deserve a reply."

"That's not fair," Peter's voice was stern as he said it. "You both did things you regret. She hurt you just as much as you hurt her."

She clenched her jaw at Peter's lack of understanding. "I hurt her first. We were both misplaced but I made the first move to hurt her. We were fighting in someone else's war and I made it personal." She looked down at her fists curled in her lap. "I don't blame her for refusing to answer. I just wanted her to know that I am sorry. Truly."

"So... something happened?" Ned asked innocently. "I feel like I really missed something here."

His naivety made her close her eyes. A smile graced her lips as the severity slipped away. "Oh, Ned..." She gave a breathy laugh. "There is so much you have missed."

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now