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The car stopped, pulling Eliza from her nap. She sat up to see daylight had come, and they found themselves in the middle of a small grassy field.

Natasha and Yelena got out first, then she climbed out from the back seat and lifted her arms above her head to stretch. Her back popped in several places to ease the tension she had built up over the drive.

After her stretch, she dropped her hands and followed after Natasha and Yelena who were walking toward a run-down helicopter that looked older than she was. It was mainly white with red and blue strips down the middle of it. There was rust on the tail and underside that concerned her. It was an old Russian chopper from the writing on the side

The side door opened as Rick stepped down in a black and gray plaid shirt and black thick overcoat.

Natasha looked disapprovingly at him. "I said I needed a jet."

He hopped onto the grass and walked toward them. "Yeah, you know what you didn't give me? Time. Or money. I'm not made of jets."

"I thought you were supposed to be the best. Like a real pro." Yelena teased him.

He scoffed as he looked at her. "Oh, I bet your pardon Isarena, was the free flat and lifetime supply of kissel not to your liking?"

"Ha!" Yelena laughed sarcastically from beside Eliza.

Natasha broke away from Yelena and Eliza to check out the tail-end of the chopper. "Don't let her wind you up," Natasha warned him.

Rick turned to look at her. "No, I take exception to impugning my professionalism."

Natasha looked back at all three of them with a teasing smirk. "Well, you did set us up with a generator that crapped out after six hours."

Eliza hummed at the not-so-fond memory.

Rick scoffed as he looked from Eliza and Yelena to Natasha. "You, too, huh?" He pointed between Natasha and Yelena. "Tag team." He looked expectantly at Eliza. "You have anything to add?"

She shrugged. "I thought you purposely gave us a shit generator. I had a whole plot where you turned against Natasha and me and ratted us out to The Red Room."

Rick shook his head. "Impossible. You three are impossible."

Yelena walked around him to check out the chopper. "Aw, he's sensitive." She looked down the chopper toward Natasha. "I see why you keep him around."

Eliza smirked as she passed by Rick to check out the inside. She grabbed the door and lifted herself up onto one foot to see the vast emptiness inside the chopper. She could tell by the missing bolts on the floor that it use to house a turret. Now there was nothing left but bucket seating tacked onto the sides. One bucket seat had several long-range ARs and several sleeves of ammo. The sight made her heart lurch in anticipation of a fight.

"Where's the rest?" Natasha asked.

Eliza dropped down to the ground to turn toward Rick. He walked up to her, stopped in front of her, and looked down with a pressed smile. He bent beside her to pull a brown duffle bag from under the step she had just used. He threw the bag on the ground and opened it up. "Viola."

"Ohh-" Yelena grabbed a protein bar from the bag and began to open it.

Natasha looked over her shoulder to see Yelena. "Oh, I stashed that, like, five years ago."

Yelena heard the warning and did nothing as she bit into the protein bar.

Eliza scrunched her nose up as she heard Yelena crunch down on the bar. "How is it?"

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now