Chapter 8: Cole Turner, The Source Of All Evil.

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Chapter 8: Cole Turner, The Source Of All Evil.

I stare at Cole shocked but also with fear. I remember my Aunt Phoebe telling me she vanquished Cole many years ago! "B-But you're dead! Aunt Phoebe, My Mom, and Aunt Piper vanquished you!" I cried.

"Well, I found a way how to get back." Said Cole and he made a energy ball. "And gathered some new powers aswell." he threw the Energy ball my way.

I move out of the way quickly and it hits into the wall missing me by inches. "I see you have inherited High Resistance..." He grumbled

"I see you don't know what I'm capable of," I said darkly.

"Then show me, Mitchell." Cole challange I couldn't though I was weak from the blood loss and the Spider Demon sucking my powers.

"Your not worth the effort." I said and Cole rolled his eyes He charged at me pinning me at the dark walls as I stuggle getting out of his grip. "Now I can get my revenge." He growled, fire glowing in his eyes for a second then went back making my eyes widen with fear. I knew what he was...

He's The Source Of All Evil...

Cole got a Fire Ball making me nervous and let it go my way I orbed the last second behind him and kicked him making him fall to the ground. "I don't think so, Cole, because your revenge is nothing. You're just a broken hearted bastard who just can't move on." I growl and went towards the blocked door and grabbed the wood and try ripping it off but something pulled me back throwing me backwards and I fell onto my back sliding a little. I groan from the impact and look up to Cole and he looked very dangerous.

"Why me? Why use me?" I said.

"Because your the most loved thing Phoebe has," he growled. "a Niece, family, a friend."

"I'm more then a Niece to Phoebe, Cole, I'm just Harmony Paige Mitchell." I smirk and got up and put my hand out making a gush of wind goes towards Cole making him slam into the door breaking it and going through it.

.....Percy's Point of View....

After saving Annabeth and Grover from the streches and we found out where the entrance to the Underworld is we had to find Harmony because we lost her when she needed to deal wit hthose strange looking kids. "Where could she be?" Annabeth asked.

"I don't know, she couldn't have gone far." I said when all of a sudden a man flew out of a door swnging that open and landed in the middle of the street and we look towards the door to see Harmony walking out her shoulder bleeding badly and she looked weak but her eyes...her eyes were different.

Harmony's eyes were purple with a symbol around her pupil and eye it sort of looked like her tattoo on her wrist but she looked more dangerous then herself.

The guy groaned and looked at Harmony with fear in his eyes. "Leave me, my family, and everyone else alone, Cole, or I swear on Grams grave I will vanquish you the most cruel way I know how." She said dangerous.

The guy, who I suspect his Cole, glared at Harmony and went up in flames and dissappeared and we all look at Harmony as her eyes turn back to normal.

.....Harmony's Point of View.....

I blink as I felt my eyes change what happened? I know Cole is gone but what happened to me? I was weak all of a sudden then I felt really...powerful I thought curiously when I saw Percy, Annabeth, and Grover. "Guys! There you are." I sigh with relief and walk over and held onto my shoulder in pain, it hurts badly.

"What happened to your shoulder? And who was that?" Percy said worry swimming in his eyes.

"I got hit with a Energy Ball by a Darklighter and got drained of some of my powers by a Spider Demon." I said I saw Annabeth flinch at the sound of there's a Spider Demon. "I lost you three and went looking when I went into that shop to ask if they've seen one of you run by or something but it was a trap by Cole Turner, my Ex-Uncle, he's the New Source Of All Evil...and he wants revenge out of my Aunt Phoebe for vanquishing him so many times and devorcing him." I finished explain and Percy nodded.

"Are you going to be okay?" Grover said I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little weak, that's all." I lie a little, yes I'm weak, but I'm not fine. "What happened to you three?"

Percy explained to me about they incounter when a Kindly One and that Annabeth and Grover almost got streched to death but he found out where the entrance of the Underworld is and it's a block away, so, with these information, we head our way to the Underworld as I held a piece of fabric to my shoulder to stop the bleeding from my shoulder.

We stood in the shadows across the street from the studio, my shoulder all patched up by my First Aid Kit I've brough and Annabeth used to help me patch it up. I look up to the sign with gold letters in black marble saying: DOA RECORDING STUDIOS.

Under that was glass doors that said :NO SOLICTORS. NO LITERING. NO LIVING.

"At least they're earth friendly." I said to them after reading the sign to Percy and Annabeth, since I've learned Percy and Annabeth have dyslexic and it's hard for them to read except for Greek writing.

Inside the studio in the lobby were people though and a guy who I suspected was a lower-level demon because he had sunglasses on and a earpiece and looked touch, which Demons look like all the time. Percy turned to us. "Okay. You remember the plan." He said

"The plan," Grover gulped, "yeah, I love the plan."

"What happens if the plan doesn't work?" Annabeth said.

"Don't think negative, Annabeth." I told her

"Right," She said, "we're entering the Lad of the Dead, and I shouldn't think negative."

Percy took the pearls out of his pocket I knew he was nervous (Again, Empath powers) but also there were only three and there's four of us...I'm not having one if things go bad I'm going to orb out and orb to San Francesico and get my Aunts and mother to come and help get Percy, Annabeth, and Grover to help out if something bad has happened to either of us.

Annabeth puts her hand on Percy shoulder as I smile reasurring to my little brother. "Percy, we'll make it, I'm sure of it. Everything will be fine." I reasurred him and Annabeth nodded agreeing I give Grover one of my mother famous looks to say something as Annabeth nudged him. "Oh right!" Grover chimed in, "we got this far. We'll find  the Master Bolt and save your mom. No problem."

Percy looked at us and I knew he was stuck in thought and he looked at me. "Thank you for...well...coming along with us." Percy said and I smile.

"It's my pleasure, whats life without a little bit of risk?" I said quoting Sirius Black in my favorite book series. Percy puts the pearls in his pocket and looked at the studio. "Let's whup some Underworld butt." Percy said and I smirk at my brother and we all walk inside the building.

A/n: Yeah I know Cole was the Source once and stuff but I think he can be that again, okay.

HOPE YOU LIKED THE CHAPTER! We're getting into some more Charmed theme now :D

My Whitelighter Sister Who's Charmed (Percy Jackson Fanfic)*Finished*Where stories live. Discover now