Chapter 14: Percy and Me Meet Our Father

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Chapter 14: Percy and Me Meet Our Father

Landing was fine and Percy could actually relax which was good. When we loaded off the news people were waiting I changed my appearances to my little sister, Kat, and Annabeth had her invisibility cap and we stood by the frozen yogurt stand and yelled over that they were over here and we met up and left the airport.

When we got to the taxi Percy said he should go alone. "No way, little bro, I've sworn to the Elder's I'm protecting you. I'm going with you if you like it or not." I said stubbornly.

"Yeah, Percy ----"

"You need to get back to camp and tell Chiron the truth," Percy said.

They protested for a while until they gave up. "I'm still going, Percy." I said crossing my arms stubbornly.

"You're a stubborn one, like Mom." Jeremy said as I smirk.

"Fine," Percy sighed as I smile in victory. I look at Jeremy. "Wait at the top of the Golden Gate Bridge I'll meet you there with Uncle Leo and Uncle Coop." I said. Jeremy nodded and orbed away and me and Percy go into a cap, him telling the cab driver where to go, I watch Annabeth and Grover's cabbie drive towards wherever this camp is.

After a little drive we got to the Empire State Building, which is the first time I'm seeing the building, but me and Percy were very much not dressed for this...We kinda looked homeless...

Me and Percy walked up to the guard behind his desk reading a huge book with some sort of wizard on the cover. "Six hundredth floor." Percy asked. The guard didn't look up until I cleared my throat and he looked up. "No such floor, kid."

"I need an audience with Zeus." Percy said and the guy gave him a vacant smile. "Sorry?"

"You heard my brother." I told the guard I was afraid he was just some person who was normal when he said "No appointment, no audience, kid. Lord Zeus doesn't see anyone unannounced."

"Oh, I think he'll make an exception." Percy slipped off his backpack and unzipped the top as I showed my wrist with the tattoo, being a a child to a Charmed One usually get's you front seats or usually gets you killed...

The guard looked in the backpack and saw the bolt and his face paled. "That isn't...."

"Is is, sir." I said.

"You want me to take it out and ----" Percy was cut off.

"No! No!" The guard scrambled off his seat and fumbled to find something until he handed Percy a card. "Insert this in the security slot. Make sure nobody else is in the elevator with you." We nodded and went to the elevators.

We did as he told with just us in the elevator and Percy puts the card in the slot and a button appeared with the number six hundred on it I pressed it and music played softly in the elevator as we went up, me and Percy in a awkward silence.

I was bouncing on the balls of my heels to entertain myself when we finally made it up and a faint ding! and the doors opened and we stepped out I almost wanted to run back in the elevator because what I saw made me want to vomit from nervousness. Me and Percy were in a hallway of stone and I suspect we're maybe higher then airplanes me and Percy walked down and up some staircase and at the end was a city, again I got that feeling of wanting to vomit and run out of there, a city so beautiful I couldn't even describe it!

Me and Percy walked through the city, other gods and goddess whispering at our arrival, probably wondering why a teenager who had hair that looked as though it has never been washed in months with a boy who looked just like me. Me and Percy ignored them though and focused on this giant palace, like the Underworld, only it glittered with white and silver. It looked like The Heavens.

My Whitelighter Sister Who's Charmed (Percy Jackson Fanfic)*Finished*Where stories live. Discover now