Chapter 10: Well, Fuck me.

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Chapter 10: Well, Fuck me.

Charon took us into this elevator I take one last look at the souls when the doors closed and we started moving. "What happens to the spirits waiting in the lobby?" Annabeth asked.


"For how long?"

"Forever, or until I'm feeling generous."

"So...never?" I said but he responded with a shrug, not meeting my eyes.

"That's...fair..." Annabeth said and Charon raised his eyebrow at her.. "Whoever said death was fair, young miss? Wait until it's your turn. You'll die soon enough, where you're going."

"We'll get out alive," Percy said

He laughed mockingly at us making me roll my eyes and cross my arms and messed with my necklace when it all happened in a blink of a eye.

Not much happened but what happened was the air was all misty and Charon changed into a black robe and his sunglasses were gone and he had dark black eyes that were just filled with darkness that reminded me of the Spider Demon making me take a step closer to my friends.

Percy was looking at him when he noticed. "What?" He said.

"Nothing," Percy looked away and glanced at me and I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't know how he changed appearances and we didn't but I decided not to bother with it.

The floor was swaying as we moved forward too I look over to Grover seeing he looks a little bit green. "I think I'm getting seasick." He said making me chuckle weakly.

It happened again, like last time, only the elevator has transformed into a wooden boat instead and Charon was poling us across the polluted, oily, river.But it had weird things in like Dolls, Stuffed Animals, soggy diplomas and other things.

"The River Styx," Annabeth murmured. "It's so..."

"Polluted," Charon said. "For thousands of years, you humans have been throwing in everything as you come across --- hopes, dreams, wishes that never came true. irresponsible waste management, if you ask me." I silently agreed.

I watch us ride forward when I started hearing muttering and glance around when I noticed it was Percy --- he was muttering a prey. I felt how panicked he was and it bubbled inside me making me frown a little feeling how panic he was. Annabeth was holding his hand in comfort  I smile a little sensing in a future they'll possible be together. I put my hand on Percy shoulder and he looked at me and I give him a small smile and squeeze his shoulder a little in comfort, we continue to sail silent.

The shoreline came into view with rocks and black sand which looked like volcanic sand --- if that's even a think --- the sand looked as though it was going on for about...100 yards? To a stone wall. I could hear a howl of a giant animal making me orb in a out, which takes a lot to do since I've mastered the power. "Old Three-Faced is hungry, bad luck for you, goldings, Charmed Daughter." Charon said I gave him a slight smile and a small "Hm" and went back to looking out to land.

We soon hit into the sand, the souls of others coming into view. A women holding a little girls hand, an old man and old women hobbling along with arms linked, a boy no older than Percy shuffling his feet silently in his gray robes, which saddnes me I frown at them, yeah, yeah, yeah I know they're in Hell/Underworld but I save innocents everyday so it sadden me knowing some people have died and have given this punishment.

My Whitelighter Sister Who's Charmed (Percy Jackson Fanfic)*Finished*Where stories live. Discover now