Chapter 1: The Charmed, The Whitelighter, The Demigod

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Chapter One: The Charmed, The Whitelighter, The Demigod

....Harmony's Point of View....

I was practicing my magic in my bedroom trying hard to Astral Project but it wasn't working I scrunch up my nose, tense up, took a deep breath, and tried again but nothing happened. I exhale deeply and sigh deeply. "Why wont it work!" I said sadly as the door opened a crack and here poked out my Mom's head, Paige Matthews, she's a lovely women and I love her she works at home and does have a job, that is saving innocents and future Whitelighters, my Step-Dad on the other hand is working for the Police and I always help him out since I got the sensing, besides, I love helping him, even if he isn't my real dad.

"Harmony!" Called Mom as I snap out of my thoughts and look at Mom. "Yes?" I ask.

"Melinda and Chris are here, they're walking you to school." Mom told me as my day lightens up and I smile. 

"Thanks, Mom! I'll be there in a moment." I said she nodded and closed the door I got my stuff together and look at my Tattoo (Looks like in photo) yes, I'm fourteen, but I like the tattoo and it reminds me of home and comforts me...don't give me crap about it, please...

I grab my wallet with 30 dallors in it and walk out of my bedroom to see Melinda and Chris, my dear cousins, Melinda is a year younger then me while Chris is a year older then both me and Melinda.

Melinda has straight brown hair with green eyes, tan skin like me, she is a little smaller then me but has the same personality like me, stubborn, strong, and bubbly.

Chris looks exactly like Melinda only with shorter hair that is messy, he has a mole on his neck, and he's like the guard dog of the family, it's cute, and I tease him for it.

Wyatt, their big brother, is about three years older then me he has dirty blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin, and he's more fit then me and Melinda, Chris is getting there though. And the best thing about these three siblings is that their my half-cousin, or really just my cousin's, I don't really count on them being my half-family.

"Hi, Harmony!" Said Melinda happily with a big smile.

"Hey, Mel! Chris!" I reply as Chris waves and I smile.

"Ready to go?" Chris asks when I heard like some cunstruction work making me groan. "What is it?" Chris asked worried as Mom looked over to us from helping my little brother, Henry JR., with his homework.

"I don't know...I heard some like ---"

"Construction work?" Mom asked as I nodded, "go over to The Elder's, Harmony, they should be able to help you, I'll have some tea ready for you when you're done." I nodded and gave Melinda and Chris a apoligetic look but they just smile.

"It's okay, Harmony, we'll wait here." Melinda said as Chris nodded as I smile a little and orb up to the Heavens of the whiteclouds where The Elder's and Whitelighter's are.

"Hello?" I say, my voice echoing, when a Elder who I know is Sandra pulled her hood down and I knew something bad is going on. "Harmony," Said Sandra as I look at her blankly.

"Yes? What's going on?" I ask.

"The gods their in trouble," Sandra told her as I look at her like she has two heads. "Gods? Like in Jesus's father?" I ask.

"No, like Zeus, Poseidon, and Athena." Sandra said as I raise a eyebrow. "I'm sorry, Sandra, but their just myth's." I said.

"They are very much alive, Harmony, and they need your help." Sandra told me.

My Whitelighter Sister Who's Charmed (Percy Jackson Fanfic)*Finished*Where stories live. Discover now