chapter 7: The Shocking Visitor

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Chapter 7: The Shocking Visitor

I got to the waist of the water and took a deep breath but before I could go in PErcy showed up makign me orb in and out in the air and land in the sand.

When Percy arrived to us, his clothes drived instantly as did mine, I sat up brushing the sand off me. "Don't scare me like that, Percy, I thought you were ---" I stop myself before I could finish.

"Sorry," Percy said. "Listen, I have to tell you guys something...."

Percy told us that he met a Nereide The Spirit of the Sea and what she's told him then showed us three pearls. "No gifts come without a price." Annabeth said.

"They were free." Percy said.

"Annabeth's right, Percy, magic comes with a price too and those have to have a price too." I told him.

"Harmony has a point, 'There's  is no such thing as a free lunch'. That's a ancient Greek saying that translated pretty well into American and what Harmony has said. There will be a price. You wait." Annabeth said.

Percy, Annabeth, and Grover change into some clothes that was in Ares's backpack he's given us and we took a bus to West Hollywood. Unfortunately the bus driver have never heard of the entrance to the Underworld, which I haven't either, I just orb down there. I would now so we'd be early but we're going to a different level of the Underworld.

"You remind  me of somebody I saw on TV," the Bus Driver said to Percy, "you a child  actor or something?"

"Uh...I'm a stunt double....for a lot of  child actors." Percy lied smoothly.

"Oh! thank explains it." He said I smile to him and we rode the bus silently as I mess with my necklace in comfort...I feel my mothers presents whenever I rub it and it comforts me. We soon arrived to our next stop and we quickly got off and we walked for a mile on foot looking for DOA Recording Studio.

After hours of asking people where it is but not knowing and is nowhere in a phone book, I would Scry for it but I don't have the tools for it. We ducked twice in Alley ways (Which I was nervous about) to aviod cops and I felt something in my gut that my Step-Father is looking for me by asking Police around to look for me.

We walk by a appliance store window but Percy froze in front of me making me almost run into him. "Whoa, what's up, Dude?" I said and he stared into the store I follow his gaze to see he's looking at a Interview of a man playing a Poker Game at a apartment the women who's interviewing him is Barbara Walters, the women my Aunt Phoebe watches, while a young blonde women pats the mans hand. I saw a tear on the mans cheek and I heard what the man was saying. "Honest, Mrs. Walters, if it wasn't for Sugar here, my grief counselor, I'd be a wreck. My step-son took everything I cared about, my wife.... my Camaro....I-I'm sorry. I have trouble talking about it."

I could tell he was faking it.

Barbra Walters turn to the camera. "There you have it America. A man torn apart. An adolescent boy with surious issuse . Let me show you, again, the last known photo  of this troubled young fugitive, taken a week ago in Dever." The screen changed to the photo of me, Percy, Grover, and Annabeth talking to Ares nearby that Diner. "We've gotten reports from San Francisco that the black haired girl is Harmony Mitchell, Percy Jackson's Half-Sister, she has ran away from her home and a classmate of hers says she has plans of helping Percy with these things he's done" --- my mouth fell open at this --- "But who are the other children in this photo?" Barbra said drematically, "who is the man with them? Is Percy Jackson a delinquent, a terrorist, or perhaps the brainwashed victim of a frighting  new cult? When we come back, we chat with a leading child psychologist. Stay tuned, America."

Me and Grover pulled Percy away before either me or Percy could punch a hole in the stores window (Damn Empath powers) and continue walking.

Now, when it got dark, well, it was very different then San Francisco, of course I deal with Demons 24/7 but either way L.A. is much more different and scaryer and more crazy. I could find anything and everything there easily and there was always the trains and if you get lost somewhere people will gladly quide you somewhere, I've gotten lost in China Town but people helped me.

Well...L.A. is different it's not organized at all it was huge and I didn't know where I was going. Before I knew it we were at a Entrance in a Alley Way and the nervousness of a Alley Way came to me. "Hey, you." Said a voice.

Like Percy being a idiot he stopped.

And like me being a Charmed One they were demons! Yay me! "Well, well, well isn't is a Charmed One Daughter and her friends." Said A Spider Demon.

"Oh great..." I moan.

The Mortal kids had expensive clothes and mena faces I knew they were playing the "Bad Boy" fling while the Spider Demon and Darklighter advised on me I knew I was getting more pale by the minute.

Stupidly Percy uncapped his pen and his sword came out but the leader of mortal boys still went up to him, well, for me, I was another story. "Mommy isn't here to save Little bitty Harmony this time," The Spider Demon smirked. I roll my eyes.

"At least I have one that cares about me," I said stupidly. The Spider Demon and Darklighter glare at me, yes I know them, they were Whitelighter's I knew that turned into them and they were abandoned by their mothers.

"You'd really wish you'd never said that, Mitchell!" Darklighter said.

"Not regretting one bit, kid." I smirk what the hell am I doing! I scold myself.

The Spider Demon went to strike at me with some webs but I orb out and back in. The Darklighter got a Energy Ball and threw it my way but I was too slow and got hit in my shoulder knocking me to the ground. "Ow..." I groan.

"You'd wish you were never born, Mitchell." The Spider Demon said he went to dig in his long nails into me and did successfully and started draining my powers making me scream He smirked his red eyes glowing I orb weakly behind the Spider Demon and levitated myself over him as he looked confused where I went and I let myself fall on top of him knocking him down. I reach into my bag to not find my pocket knife but I saw a cable line. I orbed off nearby them. "Cable Line!" I call and they orb into the Demon and Spider Demon they scream and went up in flames and got vanquished.

I leaned on the wall and breathed heavily holding my shoulder painfully I look around for Percy, annabeth, and Grover but I couldn't see them Great... I thought miserably.

I limb where I think they'd go when I saw a shop and go insdie to ask if they seen him, which will maybe be the biggest mistake of my life, but when I entered it was dark, nobody here, papers all over the floor, shattered glass all over the floor, and just looked like a abandon shop but why could I get inside easily?

Next thing I knew the door got blocked and there was no way out and a chuckle came out of the shadows and came into the light was a tall, fit, blacked haired, man wearing a red button up shirt and black pants with dress shoes. "Hello, Harmony Mitchell." Said the man he looked oddly familiar.

"How do you know who I am?" I asked.

"Give a lucky guess," he said when I remember I saw him in the movie Kill It Before It Dies film Aunt Phoebe let me burrow for my Eleventh Birthday and he showed up on my screen saying he'll find me and he'll get his revenge on my Aunt Phoebe.

"You were in the Kill It Before It Dies how?" I ask.

"Learned it from the Demon of Illusion, now, Harmony Mitchell, I can get the revenge I've been waiting for." He smirked.

"Why me? I've done nothing to you!"

"For being born, Harmony, you were never meant to be a Charmed Ones Daughter or The God of Sea's Daughter or have Piper and Phoebe Halliwell as your aunts." I saw a glint in is eyes of hurt at the mention of Aunt Phoebe when I noticed who he was...

"Your Cole Turned!" I gasp.

A/n: Cole looks like in the photo of this chapter.

My Whitelighter Sister Who's Charmed (Percy Jackson Fanfic)*Finished*Where stories live. Discover now