Parker Patty Halliwell

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Name: Parker Patty Halliwell

Age: 14

Birthday: July 19th

Breed: Half-Witch Half-Cupid

Powers: (Parker only has Basic Powers so I'm only going to list those three powers) Spell Casting (Mastered), Potion Making (Could Be Better), Scrying (Mastered).

Appearance: Straight Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Tan, Three Inches Taller Then Harmony.

Family: Phoebe Halliwell (Mother), Coop (Father), P.J. Halliwell (Older Sister), Phoebe Jr. Halliwell (Younger sister), Piper Halliwell (Aunt), Leo Wyatt (Uncle), Wyatt Halliwell (Cousin - Piper's kid), Christopher "Chris" Halliwell (Cousin - Piper's kid), Melinda Halliwell (Cousin - Piper's kid), Paige Matthews (Half-Aunt/Aunt), Henry Mitchell (Uncle), Jeremy Halliwell/Matthew/Mitchell (Again, dunno) (Cousin - Paige's kid), Harmony Mitchell (Cousin - Paige's kid), Kat and Tamora Mitchell (Cousin - Paige's twin daughters), Henry Jr. Mitchell (Adoptive Cousin), Victor Bennett (Grandfather), Patty Halliwell (Grandmother - Dead), Penny "Grams" Halliwell (Great-Grandmother - Dead), Pruedence Halliwell (Aunt - Dead).

Friend(s): Kat and Tamora "Tammy" Mitchell, Christopher "Chris" Halliwell

Best Friend(s): Harmony Mitchell, Melinda Halliwell, P.J. Halliwell, Mikey and Darryl Jr. Morris (Long time family friend), Annabeth Chase (Soon), Percy Jackson (Soon), Grover Underwood (Soon).

Personality: Strong, Independent, Bookworm, Smart, Funny, A Tease, Love The Outdoors, Kind, Understanding, Friendly, Loving.

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