Chapter 13: I Confess My Fears and Childhood

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Chapter 13: I Confess My Fears and Childhood

Percy used his innocent's to get us tickets to New York because the News Paper said Ares actually kidnapped me, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover and had a interview with us. Percy told a lie and faked tears. While for me? People a lot have asked me if it was my Aunt Phoebe could have possibly hired the 'kidnapper' to kidnap us. I told them no because my Aunt Phoebe is a loving person and gives great advice in San Francisco and she wouldn't hurt a fly.

Anyways, we got out tickets thanks to Percy for it, and got onto the plane. I've never actually flown before on a airplane but my friends who have have told me it isn't that bad, just boring and all.

Not on my experienced.

The turbulence was a nightmare and I could feel how scared Percy was and you could tell how scared he was, too. He was clutching onto the armrest of his chair. I grab his hand to give him with comfort and he looked at me and I smile lightly to him. "Harmony?"


"Why were you whimpering at the sight of that women?" Percy asked and I tense up. I calm myself down and take a deep breath. "Percy, you have to understand, I've had a hard childhood and you wouldn't believe some of the things I've done or have been done too. So whatever I tell you about my childhood please do not think of me differently because of it." I told him he nodded and I take a deep breath. "When my Mom was still pregnant with me a upper-level demon named Elizabeth kidnapped my Mom and Jeremy and she tried to kill me and my Mom while Jeremy ran and gotten lost in the Underworld. Elizabeth was close to killing me too...But my aunts came on time and vanquished her I guess Hades punished her by taking care of souls, I guess. When I turned three years old my Step-Dad made my Mom take me to camp Half-Blood but demons attacked the moment I got there so they told her to take me back until I'm old enough but my Mom didn't know the age to it...when my Mom had my twin sister's, Kat and Tamora, a demon named Vicus tried to turn me evil by making a special possession of mine...Around when I was five years old Darklighter's started to come and attack every second they could get. They actually shot me with their poison arrows, I almost died that day, my Mom and Wyatt saved me though.

"When I was six My Mom, Dad, Sister's, and my adoptive little brother, Henry Jr., a evil witch kidnapped me and put me in her lair deep in the sea and said she was The Sea Hag. She tried to convince me to heal her since I was part of the sea too, but I didn't know who my birth-father was at that moment. She tried to kill me by putting a seashell that'll suck your life out of you onto me but my family came and got me...My Step-Dad started to get fed up by all the attacks, kidnaps, and injury's that's been happening and said to my Mom that she should give me up if I'm going to keep bringing trouble to the family ----"

"But you can't help it." Percy interrupts I smile to him weakly.

"I know that, but my Dad didn't, he's just a mortal who works as a Police Man. Anyways, my Mom told him no and said I was her light in the dark and would never give me away no matter what. When it was my Twelve's birthday and strange things were appearing, things that seem ancient, and weren't in the family book of witchcraft my Aunt Piper and Uncle Leo suggested a protection potion but my Mom reminded the last time that happened, which was keeping a innocent dying the cost was my Aunt Piper turning into a Angel of Death. But that's a another story. Anyways, my Uncle Coop suggested getting a tattoo so it's engraved into me and I could still die from things. My Mom agreed and we went to a tattoo artist and when he was about to put the tattoo on me we froze him and I drop the potion into the ink without him knowing and unfroze him, and that's when I got my tattoo.

"The Sea Hag has haunted me my whole life, Percy, I tried learning about her to get over the fear but it didn't exactly help. I got more afraid that I couldn't go near anything that had water in it or sleep at night until my Aunt Phoebe and Aunt Piper sat me down and talked to me. That didn't work so they summoned my grandmother who talked to me about The Sea Hag. It helped a little but whenever I go to the beach now I can't touch the water without getting a panic attack thinking I'll end up like my grandmother. I love the ocean because of it's smell and sitting right in front of it gazing into it helps me clear my head. I just can't touch it or swim in it." I explain to Percy and he nodded slowly.

"I know it's lame, being the Daughter of the Sea God, and now she's afraid of the sea..." I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"Harmony, you're afraid of something, so what? Doesn't mean the world is going to end." Percy said I give him one of my famous fake smiles. "I know, Percy, but the world is cruel...I've already been called a "Freak" at my school for A) Having a tattoo B) Not having my Birth-Father and C) I never have any friends." I said and I could feel a little bit of anger come off him hearing I'm bullied at school.

"Harmony ----"

"Percy, I know what you're going to say, to fight back and all, but I'm fine. I have wonderful friends who are my cousins, a wonderful mother, a awesome grandfather, badass half-little-brother, what else could I ask for in life?" I said. Percy didn't respond to this with another turbulence came onto us and Percy dug his nails into the seat I sigh closing my eyes trying to calm down.

It was hard to tell Percy about my childhood because I don't want Percy to seem me as a wimp I want him to see me as Harmony Mitchell, his big sister.

Nothing else.

A/n: Hey Minions! I was close to crying while writing this but for a totally different reason and that'd be hormones and depression! Yay depression is amazing! (<-- sense the sarcasm).

Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter! I thought you guys would like to know a little bit about Harmony's childhood and such so yeah...this is also just a small filler...

Hope you like the chapter!

Love ya, Minions!


My Whitelighter Sister Who's Charmed (Percy Jackson Fanfic)*Finished*Where stories live. Discover now