Chapter 2: My Little Half-Brother

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Chapter 2: My Little Half-Brother

I grab my bag that I've put a protection spell on and leave a note to my Mother, Step-Father, and siblings telling them I'll see them when I'm done helping my brother. I orb to where I sense trouble which is in a water park, weirdly, and orb next to this boy who is about twelve? thriteen? "Who are you?" He asked when I heard snapping and look to see two kids, both look about twelve, there was a girl with curly blonde hair, which was dirty, wearing water park clothing. The boy had black hair also wearing some water park clothing and they were in a boat when I noticed this is a couple's water ride.

I heard the girl scream snapping me out of my thoughts and look to the boy. "I'll tell you after I save those two idiot's lives," I told him and orb down next to them on the boat I put my hand near my mouth like I've just blown a kiss to someone and blew lightly ice coming out makign the boy look at me shocked while the girl kept on screaming, but he snapped out of his thoughts and kicked the robot spiders away. "Hold on, I'm getting you out of this," I said over the noise of a countdown.

The weird spirders shot medal web that made me get onto the boat sitting next to my brother and the girl, I had to use my ice to make it go off as Percy kicked it away losing half his shoe. The boy who asked me who I was hovered above us as I try breaking try from the medal as the older boy did the same.

Percy looked as though he was thinking when I swear I saw the light bolb light up above his head. "Grover!" He yelled, "get into that booth! Find the 'on' switch with this girl!" He pointed to me as I nodded.

"But ---"

"Do it!" Me and PErcy yell in union as I orb up to the control station as he landed next to me and we looked for it but couldn't find it so we pressed random buttons. "Who are you," He asked while we pressed.

"Harmony Mitchell, A Charmed One's daughter, but I'm also Poseidon's daughter." I explain pressing some too. He looked at me shocked while we pressed. "You're Percy's sister..."He said as I nodded.

"Yes, I'm Thirteen, The Elder's gave me a job to keep him and you guys safe and protect you, which should be easy, I have Charmed and Whitelighter blood in me." I said as I pressed all the buttons, the countdown to five, me and the boy look at Percy and the girl hopelessly and Percy closed his eyes and I sensed he's trying to get water here so he and the girl can be free. I hesitated but tried too I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to find the trigger to getting water into the park.

"Two, one, zero!"

"Holy shit!" I yell as water exploded out of the pipes and into the pool and Percy and the girl were going fown the ride me thinking I'll have to tease him about it I could hear their scream echoing I glance down to the robot spiders seeing their dead robot body's I saw the girl and PErcy and the boy went over to them with his flying shoes and caught them but they look to heavy I ran over jumping from here I was and grabbed the boy who's holding my brother and the girl and orb us all at the same time to the ground safely, well, sort a the boy with the flying shoes wasn't ready for my orbing and I guess not used to it. He got his head stuck in a photo booth hole.

Percy and the girl tumble to the floor, also not used to orbing, and we help to get the boy out and they thanked him. "Thank you for...whatever power you used." Percy told me as I smirk and nodded.

"No problem, the least I could do." I said and me and PErcy look to the water park to see it's called Thrill Ride of Love I roll my eyes at the name and put on hand on my hip and shift my weight to one side as I smirk towards the cupid heads trying hard not to laugh knowing my uncle is a cupid named Coop.

"Shows over!" Me and Percy yell towards them, "thank you! Goodnight!"

The cupids went back into place and Percy, the boy, and the girl look at each other "We need to have a little talk with Ares." My brother said and they all looked at me, "and that goes to you too," He added as I raise a eyebrow.

"Oh, right, you don't know who I am." I said, "I'm Harmony Mitchell, I'm Thirteen,  I'm the daughter of Paige Matthew and..." I trail off and take a deep breath and look directly at Percy, "and Poseidon," I finish and Percy's and the girl's eyes widen.

"Your..." Percy trailed off as I nodded.

"Your sister? Yep, well, to be exact, Half but I don't count that in. I'm not just some mortals daughter though."

"Then who?" The girl asked as I cross my arms.

"Do you know who Piper Halliwell, Phoebe Halliwell, and Paige Matthews are?" I ask and they shake their heads. "They're the Charmed Ones,"

"The Charmed Ones!" Gasped the boy as I nodded.

"I'm sorry, the Charmed what?" Percy said as I shake my head at my little brother.

"The Charmed Ones are three powerful witches who are connected with their sisterly bond, there's Piper, the oldest, who can blow shit up with her hands, freeze things like the TV, and make amazing potions. There's Phoebe who everyone thinks is weak when she has Levitation, she's a Empath, and do many more powersI don't remember. Then there's my mother, Paige Matthews, she's actually the sister's half-sisters, but that doesn't matter, she's half-whitelighter, their pretty much --- think of Whitelighters as guardian angels, um...She can only do many things like Whitelighter's like I can, only I'm an Empath, I can do Levitation, Aerokinesis, Astral Projection, and Cryokinesis. I just found out yesterday Percy was my brother and who my real father was ---"

"Why were you never in Camp Half-Blood?" The girl asked.

"I couldn't, since I'm Charmed, that means I have way more enemy's then you'd expect...I have to deal with Demons, Warlocks, and Evil Wizards 24/7 my Mom tried putting me in when I was three but demons attacked and they told her to take me back until I was older, she never knew how old, all she knew was that I was a danger not to just myself, but everyone around me."

"Then why are you helping us?" The boy asked as I sigh.

"The Elder's asighed me to protect Percy and you two, I accepted, I can control Demons coming after me because I have put something on me to protect myself from demons and, besides, my aunts and Mom gave them a pretty nasty message not to mess with me." I said.

"What are you using?" Percy asked I showed him my tattoo of my family crest. "That is the charmed crest, the tattoo artist that gave me it I let Aunt Piper freeze him and I put a drop of protection potion into it so protection is inked into me." I explain and cross my arms again.

"No, can I get your names so I don't sound rude?" I ask them as they nodded.

"I'm Annabeth," The girl said as I smile.

"Nice to meet you,"

"I'm Grover, I've been watching over Percy." the boy told me as I smile.

"Now, like to explain to me what you know about this stolen Lighting Bolt and quest your on?" I ask.

My Whitelighter Sister Who's Charmed (Percy Jackson Fanfic)*Finished*Where stories live. Discover now