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"Swarm my loves,Sweep the moors,"Calls the laird of Nevermore

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"Swarm my loves,
Sweep the moors,"
Calls the laird of Nevermore.
Seek the skies,
Cast demise,
Ravens bequeath us on this lonesome plight.
Treachery they name thee,
A conspiracy does so loom.
An unkindness caws
'Death be soon'
Axe against arrow,
Battle below,
Call up your brothers,
Those murderous crows.
Blood doth shed,
Uponst thy's grave,
Sodden soil,
Muddies the depraved.
Flapping feathers,
Stained with death,
Come to take thy's last breath.
Blade to blade,
Upon tis glade,
Bid farewell,
Tis thee's last day.
Croaking ravens,
Usher in song,
'Ghastly souls, be gone'
Fly amongst that inky wave,
That bleed of mourning woe.
The veil be thinnest,
When the raven crows.


A/n: just a little something I scratched down today. Also to let you know that I'll be working on this story next and hope to have a chapter up in the following few days.  I love you all dearly and thank you so much for your patience while I've been going through so much. You're all my home when home feels less so like it should 🖤

And yes, that picture alludes to something coming 😈😘

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