1• The Girl Who Dreams

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"We choose her."


In my dreams, I can fly on dragons.
In my dreams, I can dance with fairies.
In my dreams, I can go on magical adventures, battling trolls and running from pirates.
In my dreams, the world is beautiful.
In my dreams, anything is possible.
Everything is possible.

"Do you think she's drunk?"
"Probably. Kids these days are out of hand!"
"We never did anything like this. Why I remember at her age I wouldn't even touch a glass of wine with a ten foot pole."
"Mhm, you said it sister! Gimme that hose! We'll teach her to pass out like a slob in someone's hammock."

I hum under my breathe as I snuggle closer to Bah-dley. The sun is so warm, the absolute best nightlight and security blanket. It keeps all the scary things away.

"Full blast Nan!"

I startle awake, spitting and spluttering, as a torrent of ice cold water nails me in the face. I make many odd sounds during this, some resembling a drowning cat. The water just keeps coming like a firefighter's hose, practically tearing the skin off my body as it attacks every inch of me it can.

"We got her, Nan!", an aged voice hoots as the water finally stops.

I can only sit there, blinking stupidly like an owl, with my arms hanging like a scarecrow's at my sides. What just happened?

Looking up I see two little old ladies. One stands tall and refined, a little extra weight on her bones as she poises there in a floppy pink gardening hat and floral summer dress. Her expression is more haughty than the other's. Her lips are pursed and a single brow raises in disproval.

Beside her looks like the female version of a Vietnam veteran. Her cloudy eyes roar with gleeful fires, a shit eating grin to boot. Her clothes are more practical than her friend's. She's wearing a straw hat, dark jeans, and a ratty tee. It's the pitchfork in the hand not holding the water hose that concerns me.

"You, there!" the gardening veteran barks out.
I blink at her stupidly with my arms still hanging awkwardly at my sides. I point at myself," Me?"
She snorts," Yes, you! Have you a good time last night did you? Spread your legs, chugged some drinks, took a nap in a respectable lady's hammock!"

I hate to break it to her, but I see no ladies in the immediate area. I look around in a half awake daze, taking in my surroundings. I'm in a very pretty back yard that abuts some woods. The grass is so pretty and evenly cut like someone to a ruler with them when they mowed it. It's perfect except for a trail of mud holes coming from the main road that leads to the hammock. Wonder if that was me or them?

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