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Trinity hums to herself happily as she skips along the street. She merrily waves at all who gaze her way. Trinity is a beauty, long golden hair to her hips in playful curls and shining blue eyes. Her floral sundress bounces and sways with her every skip. The sun singles her out as it beams down making her almost glitter and glow.

Trinity is currently heading into work. She owns a well off flower shop in the historical area of the city called Twirling Tulips. It wasn't a venture her parents were eager to support her on, but Trinity's affinity for it quickly gained her many admirers and regular clients. Everyone knows if you want the best flowers, you go to Twirling Tulips.

Trinity is indeed the envy of many. A rare beauty with a heart of gold and a successful career. Many times a week she volunteers at various charities. On other days she's giving back in any way she can. She's so giving, always putting others before herself.

That is where the problem lies however.

Trinity gives and gives until there's nothing left for herself. Currently, she's facing losing her business as she's flittered away most her money giving back to others. She just finished up at the bank, asking for a second loan on her establishment. It made no sense to the bankers how such a successful business could have such poor returns.

They did decide to give her a second chance as her financial backing is solid, but they all whisper about the imminent downfall. 'Perhaps she's a shopaholic', they whisper.

If only. Trinity is afflicted with infinite kindness, a sort of blessed curse some angels possess. It will ultimately be her downfall if she doesn't learn to curb it.


Trinity pushes open her store door with more enthusiasm than it can handle. It bangs against the wall, startling all of the customers and her four employees. Her employees slouch in exasperation, dreading her appearance.

'Miss Sunshine' as they all secretly call her, is almost sickeningly happy. Nothing ever sways her mood and her tinkling laugh like cherubic singing, grates on their last nerves.

In small doses she's a breathe of fresh air. Instantly a person feels better about themselves and their day. The sky seems bluer, the grass greener, and endless possibilities await. It's like being in the company of the sun, all bright and radiant.

But like the sun, too much exposure leaves a person feeling drained and irritable. Before you know it, her angelic singing becomes annoying, her laughs makes you want to bang your head on a brick wall, and every word that leaves her mouth makes you want to pull your hair out.

She never gets tired or sad or upset. She never loses her temper or says a foul thing. Always pleasant and joyous, Trinity is blinding to behold.

"Good morning!", she gleefully coos to her employees. All of them stare at her, dead inside.
"Morning.", The all mumble without emotion.

Unable to sympathize with their mood, Trinity frolics to the counter in perpetual happiness that never fades or falters. She slaps both hands on the counter and pushes herself higher just so she can squeal right in their faces. It's all in hopes they'll be just as enthused as she.
"You'll never guess what I saw today!"

She looks at all of them eagerly, but pouts when she sees them not near as excited as she'd hoped. Grinning once more she squeaks," Guess! Guess!"

Her store manager drags her hand down her face with a heavy sigh," No clue."

Glad to have at least one of them playing along, she melodically giggles," I saw the cutest bunny on the way to work! There I was, just walking here from the bank when I passed that glorious park. You do know the one I'm talking about don't you?" Trinity leans in eagerly, her hands clasped by one cheek like a lovestruck fool. She'd long since pulled herself up onto the counter, sitting on her knees.

Like robots inside of human beings, they all monotonously mumble," Yeah."

She nods once, as if she expected as much and continued on," Well it was there of all places that the absolute fluffiest cutest bunny rabbit ever just hopped right along. Isn't that just the greatest?"

All blink at her, simultaneously outdone and all too use to her pointless stories.

Trinity loves to share absolutely anything that made her day brighter. Whether that be that the mailman waved at her, a songbird sang near her window, or she saw the 'fluffiest cutest bunny rabbit' ever.

The store manger quickly moved this conversation along, knowing that if she doesn't Trinity will go on for hours about how precious bunnies are. Subtly nodding her head at the waiting customers, she sends off the employees before turning her attention back to little Miss Sunshine whose very existence made her sick to her stomach.

"Did you get that loan settled?" She asks her while pulling out a letter from her back pocket. Torn open and stamped with large red letters that said 'Final Notice', the letter has been something that's worried her all morning. Would they be out of a job? Would she be able to feed her kids this month?

Trinity waves dismissively with a tinkling laugh," Don't worry about that silly thing. I got the loan approved, but I'm sure if we just explain the situation and ask super duper nicely the debt collectors will understand."

The store manager's eye starts twitching as she watches the bouncing ray of sunshine twirl away and skip to the back door towards the greenhouses.

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