7• Nightmare

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(A/n: Corvus hid from me again this chapter

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(A/n: Corvus hid from me again this chapter. I promise to bring him in next chapter. This just needed to be written and it needed to end where it did or else it'd end up all odd and out of place. This went so differently than how I thought it would but I'm very pleased with the turnout.

Oh and just a heads up: this ended up surprisingly gory.)


My eyes shoot open, nails desperately clawing at my skin as if I can rip the entangled thorns away with my bare hands. It takes a few moments for me to realize I'm finally awake.

It takes even less time to realize how silent it is.

Sitting up suddenly, I look around my room with wary eyes. My fingers blindly search for Bah-dley and yank him into my arms once they skim his fleece.

A creak on the stairs echoes like a gunshot. It's then that I notice the shadows in my room are moving, twisting like spineless demons in the dark. They creep around my window, blocking the easiest exit.

I jump from my bed to avoid what might be under it and hurry over to the light switch. I'm going so fast and flying blindly in the dark to boot, that my body slams into the wall. I don't let that deter me no matter how much it hurts and slap my hand against the wall until I finally find the light switch.

As soon as the lights flicker on I'm spinning around and slamming my back to the wall. There's a slight lingering jolt from the bruises on my back that haven't quite healed, but that's the least of my problems at the moment.

Panting like I've run a marathon, I take in my room. The shadows remain though more subdued. They growl in the corners where they still thrive, empty eyes glaring at me. My eyes tremble in fear as their spidery arms try to reach for me even while the light deters them.

I cling to Bah-dley, burying my face in his head. I'm trying to find the courage to go on, but my body won't stop trembling. I'm so scared.

Judas. Where are you?

Taking a deep breathe and holding it until my cheeks puff out, I turn back around before I can change my mind and run into the hallway. I almost run right back into the room when I see how dark it is. Tapping fingers on the walls around me send a cold chill up my spine.

I shudder and hurry across the hallway into the bathroom. Immediately I turn on the lights and slam the door shut. Pressing my ear to the door I can hear the shadows snickering. One of them taps on the door slowly and teasingly," Come out, come out little Dreambriar. We just want to share a snack."

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