3• The Horned One

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Born within these walls,
You who lay within this lie.
Took his knife and hailed it to the sky.
And what have you wrought?
You toy with forces beyond your ken.
It is beyond what you are.
-Sharm, The Conductor


(A/n: Play song when prompted if possible)


"Where the hell did she run off to this time?"
"No clue. Maybe she crawled into a supply closet again. Oh, I know! I found her in the gym equipment room in the ball net last time! Maybe she's there!"
The first girl groans," That girl, I swear."

Unbeknownst to her two friends who happen to be passing nearby, Delilah is happily dozing on the football field bleachers in the shade. The poor thing really is tuckered out. Unfortunately for Delilah, her cozy nap spot is about to be rampant with exercising football players stomping up and down the metal steps. It's also unfortunate that she chose to sleep not on a bench, but on a floor piece with a perfectly sized opening to fall through.

I'm someplace else. Someplace wonderful.
Must I go? Must this fade away?

"Tennnnnn HUT!", a sharp voice calls out like a drill Sargent. "Huthuthuthuthut!" chants his loyal brethren.

My eyes shoot open as I start to dramatically bounce with every 'hut' they chant.
"Huthuthuthuthuthut!" They go.
Bouncebouncebouncebounce, I follow.

"ACK!" I screech as I'm suddenly falling through the hole in the bleacher seating. My fingers don't catch the edge in time and I'm left free falling.

Before I know it I'm eating dirt.
"Unghhhhh." I moan.

"Uhhh...Delilah?" Molly asks unsurely.
Still face planting the ground, I raise up one hand that's trembling in pain," I'm okay."

"Sorry, what did you say? Didn't catch that." She replies as their footsteps crunch on the dead grass underneath the bleachers. It smells like beer and bad choices under here.

I push up on my arms that wobble with fatigue and aches, trying to lift myself up. I groan as I do and repeat myself," I'm okay. Just a little startled I think."

Molly, my curly haired brunette friend, helps me up. Tiffany aids from my other side, dusting off my dress," I mean, really, Delilah. You should be more responsible with your sleep schedule. You probably would've had better grades if you could stay awake long enough in class to pay attention."

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