4• Monster Under The Bed

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(A/n: Just a heads up: I changed Sebastian's species

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(A/n: Just a heads up: I changed Sebastian's species. I had a spark of imagination hit me. Like one of those sparks that made me drop a dish and get lost in a daydream with open eyes.

He's still a blackbird, but not a crow. He's a magpie. Im also adding a streak of white in his bangs as magpies aren't fully black like crows are. I'm changing that tonight in the prologue.

I do have a question to ask all of you.
With these changes in mind I've considered changing his name to Corvus - The genus ravens, crows, jays, and magpies are a part of.



"You're a fool, Indigo." The Grim says while keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding area. The tension between the two had been insurmountable since she closed her eyes.

The Wendigo looks down at the pretty girl still laying her head in his lap. Her ponytail keeps her beautiful face exposed to him so that he may look upon her sweet features at his leisure and oh what lovely features they are to behold. With eyes like green grass blowing across a summer sky and skin that glows as if the sun is hiding beneath it, she's quite masterfully made.

She's currently curled around that sheep she adores more than any of her other worldly possessions. Her skirt rising to her hips giving them both a tantalizing view of her fair legs. Long and slender, Indigo can imagine a day where they are watching her prance amongst the flowers, those same slender limbs revealing themselves. Yes, Indigo decides, she's definitely one to frolic and prance about.

Indigo notices her beginning to tremble and looks to the Grim," Give her your coat. She's cold."

Instantaneously, the large black dog morphs into a cloud of shadow until his true self stands in front of them. Judas' ruby eyes glower down at the Wendigo who cradles their young bride in his lap," If we just take her she wouldn't be cold! I've followed her all day, Indigo!"

"Lower your voice before I cut out your tongue." Indigo bites out like chilling winter snow. His tone changes when he looks back down at the childlike girl. Though subtle, his tone is far more tender than any of their family have ever heard before," She needs her rest."

He pets her small head with gentle fingers. He can't remember ever desiring something in his long life as he's desired this girl. They all feared her meeting him the most. It was why they decided he'd be last to introduce himself. He couldn't resist. For so long he's coveted a being to want him without seeing his cursed appearance.

And there she was with open arms and a kind smile just for him.

Judas grimaces as he yanks his coat off - a dark brown leather monstrosity that gives Indigo secondhand shame with its mere proximity. He covers the girl with it, tucking in the edges as best he can to keep the night chill out.

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