13• The Toad's Message

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My eyes flutter, trying to shutter out the bright sunlight. Shadows, like trees blowing in a summer breeze, come and go in such a way that the sun becomes tolerable for the briefest of moments.

"Delilah, wake up silly," the feminine voice calls out to me from a bit of a distance.

I'm trying.

My eyelids are heavy, unable to open. I can't even move my fingertips, merely paralyzed as I lay on a bed of soft grass and wildflowers. There's the scent of spring and fairytales in the warm breeze, lulling me deeper into the place I'm safest.

"Oh, Delilah!" The woman giggles playfully. Her voice is so familiar, yet foreign like a foggy memory from long ago.

A childish giggle comes from nearby my head. "Coming, mommy!" The little girl calls out. Little feet patter through the tall grass, pants leaving her lips through her endless giggles. Though I can't open my eyes, I can see the image in my head as clear as day - so distant and faraway, a memory from long ago.

A tall slender woman with obvious oriental ancestry stands at the peak of a grassy hill with picturesque blue skies and billowing white clouds behind her. She's not curvy, more willowy and slight like a gazelle. A red tunic dress stylishly hangs from her lithe frame, paired with wicker heeled sandals and a floppy summer hat with a bow. Her silken hair stays luxurious and perfect even in the windy weather.

Warm brown eyes look down at a little girl with messy dark hair that's tossing behind her as she runs towards the beautiful woman. The child is far less put together than her mother though they look very similar in the face. Mud streaks across her yellow summer dress and her stockings are torn. One of her tiny Oxford shoes are entirely missing.

The woman's face changes from pleasant to exasperated and condescending, " Oh, Delilah. What am I going to do with you? You're an absolute mess and we have to be at my photo shoot in less than an hour."

The little girl bows her head in embarrassment, " Sorry, mommy. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to play with the frog in a waistcoat ."

The woman puts her hands on her hips and raises a brow down at her daughter, " A frog in a waistcoat? Really, Delilah, sometimes I wonder if you're ever going to get out of that head of yours. You'll never amount to anything keeping your head in the clouds."

The little girl jolts in shock, putting her grubby fists under her chin as she cries out, " But mommy I wasn't daydreaming! He's really here and he said he'd show me where the tree spirits live!"

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