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"I've been watching you for some time now. I felt like it was time I finally introduce myself." He said in a conniving manner.

He spoke, but shrills still ran themselves through my body making it hard to process what he was saying. I was captivated, not in love, but in fear. This man was terrifying, and I couldn't get myself to run away. I stood there, shaking, watching the words roll off his tongue as if he enjoyed my panic.

"I am Muzan Kibutsuji, King of all demons."

As if I couldn't be more petrified, he had just confirmed the existence of demons and his menacing aura told me that he was telling the truth.

"So...what is it you want with me?" I managed to whimper.

He laughed. "Well Ms.(L/N), wouldn't it just be a waste to watch you wither away into nothing some day. You are quite beautiful, it would be a shame to see that pretty face wrinkle up, and for that (your color) hair to turn grey and frail."

Suddenly, he was a foot away from my face, his arm extended to my hair. He ran his fingers through it, and tucked one side behind my ear, gently.

He softly moved his finger from my ear to my chin, guiding my face upwards to meet his piercing red eyes.

"You would be a beautiful demon."

With that, his nails grew instantly and he slashed me across the neck. Instantly I fell to my knees in pain. The cut bled everywhere, all over my nurses uniform. I grabbed onto the gash as I gasped for air, tears fell out of my eyes from the burning sensation now taking over my body.

It felt like I was drowning above water, my eyes felt like they'd burst out of my head any minute. I screamed in agony. My hands clenched onto the cool dirt covered in blood as I began to noticed my nails growing quickly and sharp. As the internal pain began to subside, I looked around for the man who I thought had just killed me.

My vision was pristine, the outlines of the houses and trees around me were perfectly crisp, unlike never before. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me, the same voice list off three demands.

"Eat humans. Stay out of the sun. Never speak my name. "

I turned around to look for him, but he had vanished. I ran over to a small pond, to see my reflection, expecting there to be a wound on my neck, but it was gone. My eyes were now a dark shining red, my canines were now sharp, and my skin that once had color seemed dull and grey.

"This is just a dream." I thought to myself as I began to hyperventilate. Memories of my family and my childhood flashed into my brain, making me begin to sob. This animal that I had turned into was making me crave my family's blood.

This meant I could never go near them again. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed them. "How could I kill anybody?" My purpose in life was to save people from sickness or injury, not kill them.

"They're going to think I abandoned them. They're going to think I don't love them." I cried because this couldn't be real. I didn't believe it. I took my newly long nails and slashed my arm, hoping it wouldn't heal, and for a moment it didn't.

Then, the ends began to close up before my eyes. "No, no, NO! I hate this! This wasn't supposed to happen to me!" I yelled out loud.

During my emotional breakdown, I saw someone coming out of their house. They were far away, but I didn't want anyone to see me, so I ran into the woods. Yet, this animalistic other half of my conscience was trying to drive me to the innocent human. I was hungry.

So I ran, far from where there were humans. I ran as far as my legs could take me, until they gave out. Not from exhaustion, but from this undeniable famine that consumed me. When I looked up to see where I was, I saw an abandoned, old, broken down cabin. So I used my arms to drag myself to it, seeking shelter before the sun would come up.

When I made it to the front door, I pushed myself onto my wobbly legs and made my way in. I stumbled into the corner and wrapped my arms around my legs, which were pulled up to my chest and cried for the rest of the night that followed.

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I stayed in that corner for what felt like days, might've even been a week. I couldn't die, but I felt worse than I ever had in my human life. I knew if I stepped foot outside, my body would force me to kill someone and devour them. And even that probably wouldn't be enough. I craved my family the most, and that sickened the humanity I still felt within me.

"Well now, what a pitiful sight..."

My head shot up, to look at the door, where that voice came from. In the doorway, stood a tall, seemingly young man with rainbow eyes. He was the most handsome guy I had ever seen, and at second glance, it was obvious that he was a demon too. Even though my body couldn't process much in the state I was in, I couldn't wrap my head around how beautiful he actually was.

His presence made the room cold, yet deep inside he lit a fire within me. I was so enamored, that I felt like I was dreaming.

But in fact, he was just as real as I was.

He had the kanji Upper Two written on both of his kaleidoscopic, kind eyes. He had soft, long icy blonde hair that radiated even in the moonlight. He was toned, his tight red shirt showed every muscle throughout his upper body.

"Are you just going to sit there for an eternity? That's no fun!" He said charismatically.

"Who are you?" I asked, slightly nervous. He seemed so divine, even God-like, more so than the man who had turned me.

He giggled. "My name is Douma, what's yours?" He seemed to enjoy introducing himself.

"I'm (Y/N)..."

"Pretty name! Now, why don't I help you out a bit? You don't look very healthy."

He extended a long, muscular hand out to me.

"Come with me!"

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I hope you guys enjoyed! I wanted to get this chapter out right behind the last one because of the cliff hanger lol.

Please comment and vote:) It would mean the world to me!!


𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝  𝙔𝙤𝙪, 𝙄𝙩'𝙨  𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 | Douma x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now