Lust-filled Lies

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Douma dragged me through the forest until we reached some sort of a clearing. The night air was cool and crisp, but surprisingly, his hand was warm, and he held mine tightly. He swung me around in front of him as he came to a halt. He used his other hand to swiftly push my body up against his. My eyes met his chest, since he was so much taller than me until I looked up into his beautiful rainbow eyes, which were already gazing down on me.

"You wait right here, I'll be right back!" he said

Instantly he was gone, leaving me by myself. Why did he want to help me so bad? My mind flashed back to Kanon, the boy my family hoped I'd marry some day. I was willing to give him a chance, but he never made me feel the way Douma had just now. My heart hurt for Kanon, he was the last one to see me alive, and he offered to walk me home. If I had just let him, maybe I would still be human.

Douma had reappeared right before me again, snapping me out of my thoughts. His face was bloody, and he was carrying human remains.

"Here, eat. I'm not going to bring you food for much longer. You must learn to do this yourself."

I was disgusted, but salivating at the same time. "I didn't kill these humans, so I might as well eat them. One way or another, I'm going to hell, there's no denying that anymore." I thought to myself.

"Good girl!" Douma exclaimed as I reached out for a limb. "You know, the stronger you are, the more fun you and I can have." He said seductively, giving me a wink.

My heart fluttered at his words, trying to ignore what I was consuming.

He and I both sat on the cool dirt, across from one another.

"You can also begin to develop a Blood Demon Art! I'll let you witness mine later!" He talked as if he were God, as if I was in the presence of a divine being. I could see right through him, and I can't be the same girl I used to be, so I figured I could have some fun. I could play into this act he was painting for me. He couldn't kill me as far as I knew, so I wasn't scared of him.

"You can use your Blood Demon Art for anything really, but I recommend you use it for defense. There's a group of disgustingly weak humans who try to hunt us down. I would be really sad if something were to happen to you!"

There was no sadness in his voice when he spoke those words. He continued to babble on when it hit me:

How I would eat humans to remain strong. How I would be able to justify taking the lives of innocent people.

I would create a Blood Demon Art that would euthanize the sick and terminally ill. It is still wrong, but it's the closest I can go to killing humans and being able to somewhat justify it.

"Are you listening to me?! Douma asked in annoyance.

"No. Sorry. But I'm listening now. You have a lovely voice, Douma." I said, hiding my ideas for my Blood Demon Art. I figured blowing smoke up his ass would be the only way to keep him happy and tame.

He blushed as I finished up eating what he had brought me. I felt stronger than ever, power coursed through my veins. I could see where this could get intoxicating, yet I kept my humanity. It was something I was proud of, but something I would have to learn to hide.

"Thank you for bringing this to me. I would like to show you my thanks, if you don't mind." I told him lustfully. I knew he was full of shit, but he was captivating, and my heart was empty. I wanted to fill it with love. I craved it more than human flesh, even if it wasn't real.

"And just how are you going to do that?" he asked in suspicion. He cocked an eyebrow, even though I was pretty sure he knew what was coming.

Using my new strength, I leaped onto his body, wrapping my body around his. I thought I would knock him over, but he stiffened his body so that he was still sitting up. He had puzzled look on his face, yet his arms and his hands found their way onto the small of my back. His lip curled up into a smile. "You just can't get enough, can you?"

I answered him with a kiss and quickly he deepened it. He forced his tongue into my mouth, but I welcomed it. I dug my sharp nails into his back, wanting to hurt him, knowing that he would easily regenerate.

His grip on my waist tightened after I dug my nails into him and he pulled away from my lips. His eyes narrowed, as if I had pissed him off. He was only inches from my face, when he leaned into my ear. He laughed an evil laugh. "Are you trying to hurt me?" he whispered in a conniving voice.

"Don't forget. I can hurt you too." he said devilishly as he used one hand to grip my neck, slightly choking me. He then sank his teeth into my shoulder while his other hand clutched my thigh.

"Ahh~!" I winced in pain from his bite as he removed his teeth and licked the blood that dripped from my shoulder. He seemed to like seeing me in pain since he smiled while the wound healed itself .

He released his tight hold around my neck and used that hand to push my lips back onto his. He and I explored each other's mouth and bodies for a little while. His lips were soft, and his movements were so fluid. He was in control and I simply followed.

Even though half of his words he spoke were lies, by the way he kissed me, he genuinely seemed to enjoy it. And so did I, I wanted more. He had pulled my dress in different directions, exposing parts of my skin that were once covered, and all I wanted to do was tear his shirt off. I figured that would get me in trouble, so I refrained. But I tugged at the collar of his turtleneck and even slipped my hand under the bottom hem of it, feeling the skin that covered his toned abdomen. But eventually, I noticed the night sky beginning to brighten up.

"It's almost sunrise." I said against his lips, which didn't want to leave mine.

When he finally pulled away, he made a pouty face. "Well I finally found someone I can have fun with! And one I can't kill!" He added, laughing menacingly.

I finally climbed off of him, and he stood up, towering over me.

"I must go, but I'll find you again soon! Promise you'll only be mine?" he said as he lifted my face up with his long finger.

"Sure," I began "I doubt I'll find another demon as hot as you." I merely said that to flatter him, once again playing the game he got me raveled into.

His eyes twinkled. "Be a good demon while I"m gone! I'll know if you haven't eaten!"

And with that, he was gone in a flash, realizing that he never trained me or taught me anything that he said he would about fighting and defending myself. We simply made out the majority of the time.

I ran back to the cabin where I was seeking shelter back before Douma found me. I would practice my Blood Demon Art in the cabin during the day and through the night until I mastered it, which I hope wouldn't take too long, since I was determined. I would also sleep, so that I would hold onto some sort of energy while I practiced.

I was nervous to eventually have to show Douma my Art, since he wouldn't understand that I wanted to be merciful. But regardless, I was eating humans so he'd have to just deal with it.

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Thanks so much for reading! I hope yall have a good day/night!:)

𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝  𝙔𝙤𝙪, 𝙄𝙩'𝙨  𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 | Douma x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now