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As my vision corrected itself, my pulse hammered in my head as I struggled to make sense of what I just saw. I was gripping onto the sheets of the bed as I breathed heavily.

"Could I have just made that up?" I thought.

Without thinking, I got out of the bed and sprinted down the halls of the Eternal Paradise Cult, running into some of the servants on my way out. They tried to stop me from going outside, since one of their duties was to protect me, but my demon strength was no match for them.

I ran through the doors of the Cult and down the dirt road to where I thought Douma was. Tears ran down my eyes as I turned the corner and saw my fiance feet in front of me, confirming my vision. His rainbow eyes widened at the view of me as he stopped in his tracks. I stopped instantly too, panting and crying, with my brain still running in a million different directions.

I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know whether to be grateful he wanted to spare my family or angry for what he was hiding. At this point, I didn't know whether he even truly loved me. I let myself fall in love with this demon that was so close to the man that took my human life from me. I knew what I was getting myself into, and yet I let it happen.

Now, because of my selfishness, my poor family would have to suffer. They'd be the ultimatum that they didn't deserve to be, because no one got me into this mess except me. Now they'd be dangled over my head as blackmail so that that man could get whatever he wanted. They are my weakness, and now he was sure of it.

I dropped to my knees, and began to sob into my hands. I was numb from the whole ordeal, and I didn't know how I felt for Douma in the moment. I just let myself wail, hoping it would eventually bring me clarity.

As I knelt on the cool dirt, Douma rushed over to me and didn't know what to do. He didn't know that I had just seen what he had experienced. But what he did notice was my hair. It was still fire-y red, which could only mean one thing.

"What happened darling!? What did you see?" Douma pleaded as he put both of his hand on either side of my shoulders to support me a bit.

I continued to cry with my head still cradled in my palms, not looking into his majestic eyes. He gently squeezed me with his hands, trying to get me to speak. I shook my head in frustration, trying to muster up the words. I was scared of how he'd react because he probably expected it to be something I saw at my home.

"I and" I said, my voice muffled between my hands. "And I heard...everything..."

His grip on my arms released as I shot up to look at him. His reaction was petrified, as if I had figured out his deepest, darkest secret. Based off his look, I know his plan would have been to hide this from me for as long as he could, but now he knew, and there was no way he could keep me out of this. His eyes began to tear as he gulped them down, trying to hide his emotions once more.

I continued to cry, angry at his lies as he picked me up and carried me bridal style, away from where we were.

"The sun will be up soon, so we should go back."He said emotionless.

I was angry at him, but his actions from my vision replayed in my head. This cold, inhuman demon that I was clinging onto, wanted to protect my family. He knew that it would be something I wouldn't be able to handle.

I was confused, because I didn't know whether to be upset or grateful.

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Douma laid me down in our bed, not uttering a word about what had happened and began to slightly pace. He knew I caught him red handed, and I wanted to know everything he was keeping from me. My eyes burned from the tears that had poured out of my eyes moments earlier, but I had calmed myself down now. Douma had an expressionless look on his face that sickened me. It made me mad that he wouldn't show me his true feelings.

𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝  𝙔𝙤𝙪, 𝙄𝙩'𝙨  𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 | Douma x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now