Patched Up Heart

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We made the familiar walk to my home-well, the familiar walk for me. I wondered what my family would look like, but worse, I wondered what they'd might think.

I was turned into a demon by the Demon King himself. I was forced to consume humans for a time, I delayed my transition back into a human over and ever again, simply because I didn't want to leave Douma's side. I put my family in danger- the world in danger, all because I was selfishly in love.

My parents taught me to be kind, earnest and selfless.

How could they ever accept me, after all the tragic things I had done so that I could continue to be the Cult Leader's wife.

"Darling? Is everything okay? I though you'd be more excited!!" Douma said in his charming voice.

I stopped walking, because suddenly everything hit me.

I'm human again...

What will my family think? What about the village?

Is going back even the best option?

"I'm so grateful to be human again," I began, struggling to look into Douma's soft, radiant eyes. "But, I haven't seen them in such a long time. Not to mention, I've done such awful things..."

"(Y/N)! Your family will still love matter what..."

I looked at him as his delicate words left his mouth. He bent down in front of me, so that his face was level with mine. He used his large hands to hold my arms, keeping me steady right in front of him.

"They won't care what you've done...They will just be happy that you're back!" He said, cheerily.

"But, how do you know that, Douma?" I asked. He had never met my family so how could he possibly know they would take the news okay?

"Because, you did the same for me..." Douma said, giving me a gentle smile.

His words made my heart flutter in my chest as he continued.

"You saw past the evil demon that covered me, and looked deep where the real man within me was. You forgave me over and over again, for being a monster. I know where your empathy has to come from, and it's rooted inside of you, thanks to your upbringing... Am I wrong?" He said, cocking and eyebrow and giving me a smirk.

A tear slipped out of my eye as he quickly ran his thumb over my cheek to rub it away. He was right. I had no reason to fear my family would hate me.

"C'mon, let's get you home." He said, kissing my forehead and grabbing my hand, leading me in the direction we were previously walking in.

I looked up at him as we walked, the same stoic and prideful Douma was there, but he was no longer a flesh craving demon. He could walk in the sun, and get tired enough to sleep at night. He could eat real food, and feel real pain- well at least I think he could. Sure he couldn't regenerate the way he once could, but that made life all the more precious in my eyes.

But, I hated that his fate only left him with me. He had no family, no brothers or sisters. No friends. Just me.

While I had this whole family to come home to and friends and neighbors who had all been there since the day I was born waiting for me.

It hurt me to know, that I was the only one Douma had.

Yet he still walked with his head up high. He didn't let it bother him.

𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝  𝙔𝙤𝙪, 𝙄𝙩'𝙨  𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 | Douma x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now