Seeing Red

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For a little while, it was silent between us. The birds chirped out in the sun where he and I were forbidden to go. Although no light peaked through the wood of the old cabin, the glow of the sun slightly warmed the air inside, reminding me of how beautiful it felt to be touched by daylight. But of course, Douma decided to eventually break the silence that I was very much enjoying.

"So, how is your blood demon art coming along? I presume nicely, since you are so much stronger than the first time I met you!" He said cheerfully. He always said too much, yet he was so charismatic that one couldn't help but be drawn into his empty words.

"Um, it's been good I guess." I said shortly, not really wanting to explain my powers since I knew he just wouldn't understand.

"Show me!" He begged.

"I-i can't right now. I need something that's...about to die." I clarified.

He lifted an eyebrow up in confusion, and I came to terms with the fact that I would simply have to explain.

"So, I taught myself how to sense imminent death in humans through smell." I began, his attention fully focused on me. "I ask to enter the house where I know someone is dying and explain that I can give that dying person 30 minutes of life, free from pain and suffering. They can see, hear, walk and remember, and they can spend that with their loved ones around them."

His eyes were concentrate on me, but his look had changed. He looked as if he couldn't comprehend the words coming out of my mouth.

I hesitated to keep explaining, but I continued anyways: "I then take a vile of blood for myself, and sing a lullaby that completes the spell and stops their heart. That's what I do."

He seemed expressionless for a moment, as if he was trying to find an answer that he didn't have.

He snapped back into his usual, soft eyed grin and giggled a little.

"Why must you show so much compassion to these weak humans?" He asked, in a slight condescending tone which began to make my blood boil. He didn't need to know what I did. "Why did I even tell him?" I thought to myself, trying to control the animalistic rage that was forming inside of me. He didn't know who I was when I was human. I was a nurse, I helped people and now, because of this awful fate, I have to kill them.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. I didn't care that he was Upper 2, I didn't care that he was hot or that we had just fucked. He was prodding at a part of me that I cared about deeply: my humanity.

"Because I was once human myself, and to be honest, I would've preferred dying than turning into this monster. But regardless, I am not going to torment humans. I don't hate them, because I was once was one." I responded as calmly as I could.

Again, he was at a loss for words. I could hear the blood rushing to my head and my heart pounding in my chest, and I hoped he could too so that he would stop this useless conversation.

But he kept poking.

"Don't say thaaat~! Maybe you should drink more of my blood, it might help you forget this human side that overcomes your judgement as a dem- whoaa"

I had lost it. It was like I was gasoline, and he flicked the match that sparked my agitation, setting me on fire. My body once again felt like it was changing, but I couldn't feel anything but raging anger.

"Your hair is now bright red, (Y/N)! It's so pre-" I cut him off, trying to keep myself from screaming.

"You think this is funny? You think my humanity is something I want to get rid of?" I yelled at him, my skin getting hotter with each word I spoke. His facial expression had changed into a mortified one and he slightly backed away from me, realizing the fury he had triggered within me.

𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝  𝙔𝙤𝙪, 𝙄𝙩'𝙨  𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 | Douma x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now