Elixir Aphrodisia

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Everything happened so quick and so horribly that I had passed out, or I got knocked out- that detail I wasn't sure on.  I wanted this to be some awful nightmare, and I'd wake up to Douma's kaleidoscopic eyes and bare chest in our comfy bed.

 But, my reality was a cold floor, and a cell where I was locked up by myself. My body was unscathed, of course, but my heart hurt like it never had before.

How had this gone so wrong? The worst things that could've happened, did.

And not knowing whether Douma was alive or dead really took a toll on me mentally. I wanted to believe he was alive, but after seeing him so hurt, I told myself he had to have died.

Nothing had ever hurt me more than this. I cried and I cried and I couldn't stop. I couldn't imagine a life without him, let alone try to forgive myself for being the reason he died.

All I could think about in my head was all the things I could've and should've done differently. I should've turned back into a human the second I knew I could withstand the sun. I should've left Douma out of all of this. I should've never married him and I should've never loved him.

If I hadn't done any of those things then Douma would still be alive. He would still be a demon. He would have never have had to feel pain.

All I wanted to do was die too. So that I could be in the afterlife with him, wherever that may be.

Literal Hell would be better than this.

But alas, there was no way I could die, except by the hands of Muzan, which couldn't come soon enough.

But it was as if he had completely forgotten about me. I sat in this cell for what felt like days, in complete quietness, unaware of what was going on in the world outside. No one came by to check on me, leaving me alone with my thoughts and sobs.

With all my previous endeavors, eventually I would run out of tears and no longer need to cry. But with what happened to Douma, I wondered if I could ever get myself to stop crying.

Guilty was an understatement.

He had given me the world: A warm and soft place to call my new home, respect, and best of all, love. A love that was genuinely unique to us.

This couldn't be how our story ended. I didn't want to believe it, but with each night that passed that he didn't burst through the doors to come find me, the more I dreadfully believed he was gone for good.

"How pitiful..." A familiar voice said out of nowhere. My head shot up in the direction the noise came from.


I didn't have the energy to speak to him, nor the care to listen to what he had to say. I assumed it'd be some nonsense about how Douma was heartless or how I should've been with him.

Once again, I just prayed for Muzan to go ahead and put me out of my misery. I knew all of Kokushibo's advancements and tips had been out of self interest- all a selfish ploy to get everything he wanted.

It was obvious that the stars were aligning, that my fate had been sealed- that I had played perfectly into the picture that was I was destined to partake in.

It was over, I had failed. So why did this idiot just have to come rub it in my face.

"No precious Douma to come save you now, huh?" Kokushibo said menacingly.

I didn't say anything. I held my tears back for the time being, but it was hard hearing his name.

"Not feeling very chatty? You know it's bad manners to ignore your guest." He taunted, as if he was enjoying it.

"Spare me the torment.  What do you want?" I said, not looking at him in the eyes.

He knelt down right next to me, on the opposite side of the cell.

"Just coming to check on the pretty prisoner, that's all. I actually just found out you were here. Seems like Muzan is keeping me out of the loop nowadays."

"Does that scare you?" I asked, finally meeting his gaze, which was hard, considering he had 6 eyes.

"That's none of your business, sweetheart." He said.

There was a moment of silence, which I quickly broke.

"Why did you help me all those times?"

He laughed. "Help is a loose word. Let's just say, I nudged you down the path I wanted you to follow. Sure, some of it was for my own selfishness, but ultimately, you landed right into Muzan's hands. Exactly where we wanted you all along." He explained. 

"My own selfishness..." His words replayed in my head.

"Did he truly have feelings for me? If so, there's a chance this might work..."

I turned to face Koku, looking at him up and down, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind my ear, batting my eyes to make them glossy, and licking my lips to plump them up.

"So, when you said you wanted my hand in marriage, that wasn't true, Kokushibo?" I said softly.

"Selfishness, remember?" He said.

I fake giggled, trying to make it sound adorable and innocent.

If there was anything I learned from Douma, it was how to sweep people off their feet. How to be charming, yet cunning.

I had to seduce Koku, at least a little bit- make myself submissive, and make him want me, so that this attack could work.

It was something I was working on with Douma, without him even realizing it. The only catch was, they had to want me. I knew Kokushibo had something for me, but was it love? Not that it needed to be, all I needed simply was an attraction, but they stronger the desire, the better. 

I let my hand slip through the cell bars as my fingers ran over his thigh, eventually meeting his hand. Our fingers intertwined softly as my stomach twisted into knots.

"Forgive me Douma..."

"You know, you should beg Muzan to let me live, that way...you and I can...you know..." I said vaguely, leaving that statement open so that his mind would further continue to wander and grow distracted.

In a couple of swift moments, I cut the bed of one of my fingertips, as well as one of Kokushibo's with my sharp nail, and joined to two fingers, letting our blood fuse.

"I'll see what I can do." Koku said with a lustful smirk, so enamored that he didn't even notice I cut him.

"Blood Demon Art: Elixer Aphrodisia..." I whispered.

His eyes widened for a moment before the attack worked, but then, his tension eased.

"It worked!" I thought excitedly to myself.

"Now then, let me out."

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Thank you to all that have followed this story up until now! I really appreciate it!! glad I could get this chapter out quicker than usual!

talk to yall soon! xoxox

𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝  𝙔𝙤𝙪, 𝙄𝙩'𝙨  𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 | Douma x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now